Regarding cheaters in other games
3 years ago
European Union

I felt, I would make this post to clarify the current stance on runners that cheat in other games, especially with all the questions I've had regarding the Dream situation.

Speedrunning is inherently a trust based activity. As moderators, we do our best to ensure the validity of runs on the leaderboards, but quite frankly there is only so much we can do, and faked runs with always be able to slip through the cracks.

It is this fact that speedrunning is trust based that has lead to our very tough stance on cheaters which frequently lead to permanent bans, as opposed to our sister game Java Edition's much more lenient stance, more frequently allowing runners to redeem themselves under more stringent proof standards.

Our policy towards cheaters however extends past just Minecraft Bedrock. Should we be made aware of a runner cheating in another game that is not this one, as is the case with @7H3, we will look at the runners runs in far more detail, and be much more cautious. That being said however, cheating in Java Edition, Legacy Edition, etc. will not at all be tolerated, and runners that do so will be treated far more harshly. Why? Because speedrunning is an inherently trust based competition, and those that cheat, especially in our sister games, have violated our communities trust.

The decision to ban Dream was not a one-off thing. We simply took this as an opportunity to send the message loud and clear that we will not tolerate cheaters, Bedrock or not.

  • Mango
Edited by the author 3 years ago
jerrinth3glitch, Scypher_Tzu and 18 others like this

It’s possible dream might be a cheater, since his luck is extremely great, especially with trading with the piglins for endear pearls.


But dream mostly fid that for everyones enjoyment i think when though sending those run to was a HUGE mistake will he be not allowed to redeem himself in 1.17............Because as you said java is taking this lightly and if he does a legimit run in 1.17 will he be unbanned.........

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Illinois, USA

*Notices @DremGuy isnt banned

European Union

@Mixtongent73 Who" If you have evidence they have cheated before, you are free to DM me.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ohio, USA

Well not splicing, well maybe slightly splicing but mostly the fact it seems he used a set seed. Also dream didn’t make a video, he just commented on his video.

Illinois, USA

I don't really care, it was just an observation.


@DreamWasTaken accusing someone of cheating. What an irony kappa

Illinois, USA

The one who exposes cheaters happens to be a cheater themself...

GoldGamer32 likes this

Dream accused Drem of cheating, and yes Drem is a cheater

JhrdPlayzMC likes this

The Response video he posted is very deep like hiring a professional for a Minecraft math and statistics lol

New Mexico, USA

Drem used set seed and submitted it to RSG and while Drem denies it, the mod team has perma banned him because he didn't own up to the spliced loading screen and the fact that it was pretty obviously set seed.

Massachusetts, USA

I'm sure the mods have banned other people in the exact same situation, Java cheaters. But those people don't have massive followings and channels and millions of people aren't gonna hear that dream isn't a one-of. Additionally Dream talked about how the Java mods "ruined his character and ruined peoples perspectives of him" and that he doesn't like that, only to then make a 5 second half-true statement about the bedrock mod team that will undeniably send hate their way.

Tennessee, USA

They have actually. @7H3 submitted many runs to Bedrock then had his SRC account banned for cheating in a GTA V run. The Bedrock mods then added him to Banned Players and WOrthy Of Doubt

United States

Dream talking about how he's so famous and that's why he has all this attention on him can work both ways.

@VB304 you can say he hired a professional but he literally has no proof the professional even exists

United States

yeah, dream just paid someone to write an unbiased review of his rng

Tennessee, USA

It is just suspicious that he doesn't name or prove that this is an actual professional

South Africa

Wow Dreams response was actually debatable cuz 7.5 Trillion is a large number and it's easy to be off with such a number

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