IL Leaderboard
8 years ago
United States

I've been into IL's lately, but there isn't any leaderboard for it. Could someone possibly make one?

Screamwood likes this
Hampshire, England

IL's, give me a list of the names of levels (aka 1-1) and i will do this as soon as possible :)

United States

Alright, just warning you this post might be pretty long (I think there are around 80 levels).

First off, for categories, there should be Any% (beat the level using any exit, collect any amount of star coins), and 100% (beat the level collecting all star coins and with every exit). It would also be nice to put a list of levels with secret exits in the rules. I will also provide that.

Ok, now for the list of levels (Worlds Mushroom, Flower, and Star are abbreviated as M, F, and S respectively): 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-Tower 1-4 1-5 1-A 1-Castle 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-A 2-Tower 2-Ghost House 2-4 2-5 2-B 2-Castle M-1 M-2 M-Ghost House M-A M-B M-3 M-Castle 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-A 3-Tower 3-4 3-Ghost House 3-5 3-B 3-Castle 4-1 4-Ghost House 4-2 4-A 4-B 4-Tower 4-3 4-4 4-C 4-5 4-Castle F-1 F-A F-Ghost House F-2 F-3 F-B F-Castle 5-1 5-2 5-Ghost House 5-3 5-Tower 5-4 5-A 5-5 5-6 5-Castle 6-1 6-Ghost House 6-2 6-3 6-A 6-B 6-Tower 6-4 6-5 6-Castle S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-Castle

Ok, now for a list of levels that have a secret exit (Again, Worlds Mushroom, Flower, and Star are abbreviated as M, F, and S respectively): 1-Tower 2-Ghost House M-1 M-Ghost House 3-Tower 3-4 3-Ghost House 4-Ghost House 4-Tower F-1 F-Ghost House 5-1 5-Ghost House 5-A 6-Ghost House

And that's it. I told you it would be a long post xD

MarvJungs likes this
United States

Hypno, do you think you'll be adding these anytime soon? xD

Screamwood likes this
Hampshire, England

thank you coolmath for submitting that to raise awareness, i will attempt to add these as soon as i can but as a "solo mod", its pretty tough. As well as this, if you click on my info, you will see that i moderate quite alot of games, so it gets quite tough trying to keep a eye on a game im not so active in. However, this does not mean i will not try to keep these leaderboards active as this game has been soaring in popularity as of late. Again, thanks coolmath, and who knows, maybe i will get back in to this game ;)

Hampshire, England

in short, IL's will be added when either i have time, you get mod, or another mod actually does something ;)

United States

yeah no problem hypno ;)

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