Username Change Requests / Account Deletions
9 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Can I get a name change to Twb10842 . I forgot the 2 on my name originally :/ Thanks in advance

Yukon, Canada

Can I get my name change to Acearinos.


Hey, got my twitch account recently changed to Karvarousku (from KarvarouskuGaming), and I'd love to have that same account name here.

California, USA

Id like to change my name to AaroNX

Maine, USA

if I could get mine changed to MrStarbird I'd appreciate it. that is my twitch handle and would only make more sense to keep it the same.

Please change mine to Ari13576. Thanks.

Please change my name to useless_scrub! The reason is that Ive changed twitch accounts since sign-up

Louisiana, USA

can you change my name to "mothman"? i really appreciate it! <3

Florida, USA

Hello, would like my username changed to just Shib, thanks in advance

United States

Oggyerino: There is a user with that name who has runs, so I can't do that. BlackRainbowX: There is a user with that name who has runs, so I can't do that. Acearinos: No need to post twice unless it's missed. Queue is cleared once a week roughly.

Fyn, Denmark

Could I get my name changed to just "doesthisusername"? Thank you! :)

United States

Can you change mine to mr_greenjeans Thanks!


Please Change mine to KKBROS


Could I please get my name changed to " QuantumGhost " ? Thanks.

United States

I actually like your username the way it is, doesthisusernamefi. It makes a great punchline at the end!


Hello, can I have my username changed to "kingsweepy". I missed out a p somehow :/ Cheers.