All Greatest Plans
All Greatest Plans
Updated 3 years ago by TheRemainingGuest

Incase people don't know what this even means, it means you must choose the Charles option every time it is available. You need Presumed Dead in order to access Valiant Hero, which is where the final Charles option is, so you can start the run with PD already unlocked. This is because the second Charles option is in International Rescue Operative, but GSPI and IRO give Special BROvert Ops, which doesn't have the final Charles option.

For Infiltrating the Airship (Government Supported Private Investigator) Earpiece (Run Starts) -> Vacuum -> (If you've looked at the Flashdrive, you can skip the cutscene) Glue -> Charles [FAIL] (1/3) -> Robo-Helper -> Bone Melt -> Spook -> Reroute the Power -> Force Gun (GSPI)

Once you're done with that, move onto Fleeing the Complex.

For Fleeing the Complex (International Rescue Operative) Wait for Transfer -> Laser Plane -> Government -> Flash -> Charles [FAIL] (2/3) -> Mini Helicopter -> Left Guard (the one with the rocket launcher) (IRO)

Once that's done, you're almost there. Now move onto Completing the Mission. Note: You should have Presumed Dead available, as you can start the run with it already unlocked. If you don't, that's going to add about 2 minutes to your time.

For Completing the Mission GSPI + PD -> Trash Ball -> Charles (Run Ends)