धागा: The Site
NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

I got a whole bunch of backlog notifications. So I guess the queue is emptying. Good job.

NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

If you want to speedrun SA competitively and aren't able to play for 4-5 hours in one go, you can do a couple of things:

  • Practice your bladder and have food and drinks beside you during the run;
  • Pause the game when you really need to go to the toilet, but keep the timer running;
  • Run segments (LS%, Badlands%, etc.);
  • Run Any% ;
  • Run IL's.
NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

Could we store a Dozer on Deconstruction? Maybe it's easier/faster to push the bike with the Dozer.

aroszparo इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

I'm getting notifications on some games I follow, but not all of them. This has been going on for almost a week now.

NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

Masakovske made this video a couple of months ago.

The last part (where 100% runners push Ryder with the firetruck) won't be done like this, because in other categories runners want to get a police bike to store in the garage.

NediBuckets, Uppermost और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Motor Toon Grand Prix
NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

Share all your strats, shortcuts and optimizations here!

I will start off by posting this video about the useful shortcuts I found. These are all doable on easy mode, where you have the items at your disposal, but also the lowest vehicle speed.

MANIPULATING ITEMS: You can quite accurately select the item of your choice on the Wheel o' Items through knowing that the wheel if stopped during the first few rotations (before it starts to slow down) will take exactly one rotation to stop. So, if you need a Jump, press 🔴 to stop the wheel when it's in the front position where the wheel will stop. It will stop exactly one rotation later.

The items you get on the Wheel o' Items are dependant on your race position, or more accurately the time difference between you and the race leader. Pandora's Box and Wonder Clock will appear more often if you are nearer the back of the pack. In testing, I found that Jump will not appear when in first place.

धागा: Motor Toon Grand Prix
NetherlandsBooskop3 years ago

I added a FAQ to the resources section. It's not completely accutate, but it seems to contain useful information.

It may have been better to put it under guides in hindsight, but I'm too lazy to change it now OpieOP

धागा: Pencil Sharpening
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

One could hire 10 drills to get rid of pencil removal time after every pencil.

NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

Will the IL's get an Original/Remastered filter as well?

NediBuckets, Thunder और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago


I guess it will be added back again soon™ now.

NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

I can't speak for everyone here (and neither can you btw @1862) but this is what I'm trying to convey:

In my opening post I am not talking about verification times. When submitting a run it always states it can take up to 3 weeks sometimes. So anything below that is not an issue to me personally.

I am just stating that forum messages with questions, problems, ideas seem to be ignored or go unnoticed (or end up under a pile of other notifications as caz explained).

I have personally no problems with the verification times. Don't put words in to people's mouths please.

BackmadeJay और Thunder इसे पसंद करें
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

Thank you very much caz.

NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

This post is not meant to attack anyone - I am trying to address an issue that's been around for a while now.

The moderators here aren't showing much - if any - interest in helping out people by answering their questions in the forums, actively being involved in discussions, or solving problems.

I checked the moderators' forum posts and both of the mods haven't posted more than 1 or 2 messages/answered any questions in the forum in the past year. I know KZ is going through some shit rn so I don't wanna step on him or anything, but he wasn't active on these forums either back when he still was supermod.

I have the feeling that the mods here are more involved in other GTAs and not really interested in SA - which is absolutely fine - but it should also ring a bell that we need more involved people as moderators! People who actively run the game, and are checking sr.c forums regularly (even once a week would be a huge step-up from the current situation). I think it'd be nice to have at least some mods or verifiers that are remotely interested in the game, hence I suggest bringing in people that run the game, or are actively involved in the community otherwise.

I'm at least glad KZ added 123Robot and DiskoSpider as verifiers - they seem to deliver good work and I hope they will start to be increasingly active on the forums and maybe be installed as moderators soon™ (if they wish to become moderators obviously).

Just a few examples of "pending actions": https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/thread/34ka2 https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/thread/shivd

Making decisions is hard - I understand. But there are hardly any responses from moderators in these (and MANY other!) threads, and nothing is done. No decision is made, no action is taken. Can you guys please get more involved, or try to find people who are willing to be more involved? There are plenty of people who are quite active in the GTA SA community. Ask around!

Again - this post is not meant as an attack. Just meant to address this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Ajuh, Uppermost और 18 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago


I do not wish to be a moderator but I do wish my runs will get verified. It's for the game mistakenly* called Motor Toon Grand Prix (https://www.speedrun.com/motor_toon_grand_prix) I have 2 pending runs for 3 weeks+ now (since august 18)

There's only one moderator, NehkRohw, which was last online on sr.c 9 months ago, and both of their social media links are dead ends. However - I traced down their YT page, left a message there 3 weeks ago as well, and got no reply.

Is it possible for someone to verify my runs? I plan on submitting runs for the remaining categories aswell.


  • MTGP was a JP only game and the successor is MTGP2, yet since MTGP was never released in the US, MTGP 2 was released there as MTGP. BrokeBack
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

These two video's are about shortcuts, driving lines and so on, all across San Andreas. Shoutouts to the MTA racers.

Uppermost, Tier4Jean और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

So... ResetSPEEDRUNNING deleted his runs, and against his will, the times were re-added to the leaderboards (using his old username), but other runners get to delete WR's and they stay removed?

I.m.o. mods should either remove reset's times or re-add every other WR removed by a runner if the goal is to keep the leaderboards "complete"/"correct" or w/e you wanna call it.


NediBuckets, andreii और 9 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

Go for it! You could use a superhandling bike as well, as far as I know.

oPxrcy इसे पसंद करता है
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

As far as I know, using splits / a timer is not mandatory. In the end, when uploading a video, mods can check starting and finishing time on the video.

shaggyzera इसे पसंद करता है
NetherlandsBooskop4 years ago

You can use ANY game version. PS2, Xbox, Android, Windows Store, Steam, PC version 1.0, 1.01, 2.0.

On top of that, for any PC version, there is a list of permitted and prohibited mods for the game. Almost all mods, including silentpatch, are banned.

Why? Because an arbitrary jury decided on it, either with or without votes.

P_Cuda, EzeKah, और Darkiee इसे पसंद करें
Booskop के बारे में
सामिल हुए
5 years ago
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