धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I actually had this happen twice in about 800 plays... footage

Works in 360 and GBA

TheGrandGumby इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Has anyone considered Vanilla Timing? Just start of game to Diablo fight Ending?

I know for Xbox 360 release, vanilla is all you get (I have D3R on PS4 also so not missing much), but would love to push vanilla to its limits if it had a category for consoles :\

धागा: Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

As of Today,pretty much every official port of Doom 1 has been submitted. I know some others have commented about how the list in main series is getting a little ridiculous. Rest assured the last possible games to be added now are Saturn, DOOM II for Game Boy Advance and Doom 3 OG Xbox.. I don't have much thoughts on running them.. Being the least routed games thus far, perhaps someone else in the future could submit for it if they have the runs ready. Doom 3 Original Xbox could just be added to the Doom 3 board for the masochist that decides to run it.

There has been a lot of discussion as to why the ports were all added... because its DOOM?! regardless of how crap it runs... how fast can it go? In some cases, levels (of course different layouts in many cases) are quicker.

Out Of Bounds discoveries in the console versions have added new ways of speedrunning, and I look forward to all the future console runners finding more tricks and better optimization. A lot of things are still being found after working with each version for only so little time.

Sum of Best for 23 levels with Out of Bounds and Cheats is 10:21 (GBA) (More casual/Practice OOB, but a good run to optimize also) My best 23 Levels with No cheats, OOB is 14:45 (GBA) Sum of Best No cheats,OOB is 13:10

My quick run down after playing nearly all of them. My favorite to run was GBA, I used it for average splits.

GBA: Controls amazing, Looks bad - 23 Levels SNES: People in 1995 were questioning it too - 23+ Levels 32X: Solid frames, wonky controls - 16 levels. JAG: HD GRAPHACS, lack luster controls - 23 Levels 3DO: Full screen is not fun, Tiny mouse size Doom controls meh - 23 Levels Xbox Arcade/BFG: Love it... but No SR50. Basically a slow PC version.

Yet to play is PS1: Doom 1 & Doom 2 levels, beyond the others in many aspects (Length of full game run obviously). Out of bounds yet to be tested, but considering it worked on the same map set across all consoles, the Devs may have missed it again... We'll see soon enough :)

Thank you to the Doom mods and all the Doomers for putting up with the port madness.. :D

EDIT: Forgot Sega Saturn because so did you.

धागा: Dragster
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Omni brought down the false legend. This day will be remembered in gaming for a long time.

Nice work to all who tracked down the evidence.

Bogdan_mk, IvanderLatidjan और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Doom (XBLA/PS3)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

A new Co-op Board has just been added! I'm looking forward to posting some runs soon, so join the Console Doom discord if you wanna give some Co-op runs a shot soon, we can see what times work for who, maybe even set up some races in the next few weeks!

The Level Leaderboard has also been given some new extensions, Classic is now Pistol starts we have all grown used to, and remained untouched. All categories still use the In Game Timer, a rule extended to every IL, no matter the category.

Stocked Entry allows previous levels gear to be used for an IL time. Now a Full game run (Or single Episode) can include an IL record. If you have a really good time on a level in an Episode 1-3 Run, you can post it to Stocked entry.

Co-op Level times are available also, and use IGT. :D


Pear इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Dragster
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Well that was easy, wasn't it Todd?

Edit: Can't tell if troll, or actually admitting after like 30+ years.

Otterstone_Gamer, IvanderLatidjan और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Doom (32X)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I've found a lot of optimized skips with it, but a Discord user named Icy, was the one who found it while planning a TAS for Doom GBA. Apparently he knew it was possible since 2005, but it never circulated online until now... always new things to find!

I just tried to do the same thing as that version, and it worked out. There is also ways to get around the white screen crash in many levels! I'll be working on tutorials soon for a lot of the OOB i've found.

धागा: Doom (GBA)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

The first full game run:

Basically I wanted a new category for optimizing OOB without much issues with health. Its a fun category, and I hope to see some of the others on the board run it :)

Cheats are included in RTA, timing starts normal as usual.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Thanks for clarification Cynda, I knew the glitchess for Mew/Ditto manipulation were still possible, but unaware it was not allowed.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

It can, but if you attempt to trade them to Gen 6, they will all come through as glitched pokemon (using ditto/mew/missingno is same result)

धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I mean sure at first golds will come easy for the few submitting, but over all its really testament to Doom being such an awesome game, every version deserves a spot, and a few runners have been undertaking routing all ports to go here in the next few months/weeks :)

SNES Doom just had its first full game run today, so it should be on here in a week or so, and 3DO and XBLA have been set up this week. Things are going swell to make sure each version is giving running love/good optimization.

Plenty of different tricks in different versions :)

धागा: Doom (XBLA/PS3)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Due to no SR50 possible, No custom control mapping, or aim acceleration available, the Xbox 360/PS3 version of The Ultimate Doom has been given its own individual board.

It was really clear the 360/PS3 versions are far less superior to run for the 'Lowest' time compared to PC, but It's a quirky version of its own! I have been going through to transfer any submitted 360/PS3 runs posted.

धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Due to no SR50 possible, No custom control mapping, or aim acceleration available, the Xbox 360/PS3 version of The Ultimate Doom has been given its own individual board.

It was really clear the 360/PS3 versions are far less superior to run for the 'Lowest' time compared to PC, but It's a quirky version of its own! I have been going through to transfer any submitted 360/PS3 runs posted.

I guess for any future 'Arcade' versions posted here, just let them know it has its own Board!


धागा: Doom (3DO)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from yesterday!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

We actually have quite a few people interested in running the select ports available now, and already submitted for more... Whats wrong with 'slowest'? The point of speed running is to go fast of course... so why not try to go fastest at the slowest... if that makes any sense? lol

Also check ITYTD, I think you'll find GBA Episode 1-3 already Beat PC in Any% (exclude 4 or 5 maps, but a lot of differences like no E2M6 skip). So not all that slow, there's lots of different strategy for frame saves and lag reduction we are still figuring out!

We have a few people interested in seeing these versions added (SNES, 3DO, or Jaguar at the very least). And doesn't PS1 doom literally Have 1 runner?? Whats wrong with a new category (Seperate game page) for a single run, regardless of what version? :|

धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here. Shockingly, there are still versions of DOOM yet to be submitted here on Speedrun...

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

धागा: Doom (32X)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

धागा: Doom (GBA)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

धागा: Ultimate Doom
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Personally, I feel the Arcade version deserves Its own separate board... I know there is not much difference, but controls and menu's can add on artificial time compared to PC...

Or perhaps we can finally have the 360/Xbone added for Platform detail?? I Hope to have my Any% ITYTD Times posted soon from 360 port :P

धागा: Doom (GBA)
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

JRM and myself have been routing for co-op runs has been underway, but while many skips and time saves have been added in theory, success with Visual boy advance over the internet for multiplayer capabilities has hindered actual runs...

Here I have a list of what we are trying to get working for the first co-op run to be posted. Unless someone else submits a run prior to our current work, the Co-op Any% (1-21?) will still be removed.

WIP: Even getting Visual Boy advance online (cringe)

Level 21 (House of Pain) crashes on LAN 2 Player co-op. If 2 players on the same Link fail this for ANY%, the run will only be level 1-21. Still needs further testing. Anyone able to test on real hardware? (I only have one cart)

Players DO NOT pick up keys other player pick up. This makes DOOM GBA a little trickier for routing key pick ups, and time saves.

Players must single file through doorways, and work together to clear rooms, which can make it even quicker then single player. We have derived terms 'Tank' and 'Key' player to describe different objectives each will want to focus on, and sometimes the roles will switch based on keys and switches required.

Here is our level 5 (Central Processing) Route currently (One of the more complex)

Key player will grab the Red key, while tank player focuses on jumping below the blue key. Key player will pick up the blue key, and head to the door normally, key will activate the falling platform near the yellow key. Tank will switch to key at this point., going for the platform that just fell, grabbing yellow, and dropping the tunnel for the tank (previously key) player.

Tank player takes the now open tunnel secret, key player continues on Solo route. As Key reaches the switch door before the final room, Tank player will have already clicked the lever at the top of the stairs. Switching the roles again as key player will become tank player again, rushing in to get the switch in the final room. while getting the switch, the player behind them can easily walk to the exit a bit faster, changing roles on final time, right as the door is activated for the exit room!

Switching roles through out a level can easily save 6-10 seconds for every level, if both players understand the switching of the Key and Tank roles, if we could just figure out linking properly, or even see the game past 21/23 levels in co-op, it would be an interesting team work run for sub 16. :)

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