धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik5 years ago

Sorry to double post but one issue that has immediately arisen for me personally was that I had actually previously used a small tiled image to create a patterned effect appropriate to the game I made it for, but now that the theme system defaults to stretching an image out only, my illusion is completely ruined.

Imaproshaman इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik5 years ago

I can counter that by noting I had checked one of my leaderboards that had not been touched since the revision happened, before I had applied a new theme color for it, and it had loaded it's background. However, you are correct that setting a theme color seems to correct the issue in most cases.

धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik5 years ago

Apart from one of my leaderboards I've tested so far, I've been having trouble reimplementing my wallpapers. They're not loading, and I've tried a few things like using a .png as opposed to when I originally used .jpg files.

EDIT: Want to note that other things haven't been loading either, like custom logos. I can't really tell why some of my themes have gone back to working "fine" while some aren't loading at all despite appearing on the edit theme page.

Also, has anyone else felt it's hard to read text with night mode. I am a night mode user and ofc it being tied into being able to sometimes see themes, if they aren't broken, means it's necessary for me to enable it regardless. But I actually had to enable my one addon, Dark Reader, on speedrun.com and it's able to better render the page for me, and I don't have to stare as long at a page to read stuff. Here's some comparison screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TPquRe3

धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik5 years ago

I'm a little sad about losing out on theme customization to the level we had it before, I had worked extra hard on the themes for my leaderboards that I feel it's a tragedy to lose out on that work and not even have backups. But, I would be happy if we could at least see our custom logos be restored because I never thought to back mine up.

Quivico, Imaproshaman, और Aegis29 इसे पसंद करें
AlbertHamik6 years ago

What are scripts for this game? It's Goldsrc so I'm assuming it's related to that stuff. Guess a level category hasn't been made yet. That'd be interesting.

धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik6 years ago

Forgot to thank whichever site mod helped to add me as supermod to Sniper: Path of Vengeance. Whoever it was, thank you very much!

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
AlbertHamik6 years ago

It's a bit too busy of a background and makes watching runs a bit disorienting as it moves along. Which, okay, I know a couple games of mine are guilty of this, but those are meme games. This is a more serious speedgame with tons going on that I like to watch.

Bogdan_mk और jummy0 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
AlbertHamik6 years ago

Hi, just leaving a request here that's a bit different from other requests maybe. I would like to obtain supermod status on Sniper: Path of Vengeance (https://www.speedrun.com/Sniper_Path_of_Vengeance) on the basis of my fellow moderator, the leaderboard creator ssGamma having gone completely off the grid. Their youtube channel is down having taken their PB with them, their twitch channel has been inactive for ages and their last submitted run is approaching a year now, and there's some decisions I need to make with the leaderboard that required their abilities to accomplish. Hope that's no big trouble.

EDIT: Want to specify, I tried to get in touch with them a month ago via Twitch, and have not heard back. They're on my follow list and I've not once seen activity. I also swear they must've pulled all their contact listings from their userpage on this site, because I vaguely remember this being how I got in touch with them in the first place. I'm not wanting to fully remove them from moderator status in the hopes that maybe they'll return someday, I just need to take up supermod in their absence.

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
AlbertHamik6 years ago

I feel the need to create this thread just to inform anyone interested in picking this game up on the tricks at your disposal. They are as follows:

Crouch Flying: Spamming the crouch key for some reason displaces the players hitbox upwards, and you can get major air the faster you do this. This does not count as falling either when you're done, so unless you jumped prior to crouch spamming or you touched a ledge briefly (or walked off a ledge), you can survive major falls, though, the next trick kinda makes this health management redundant anyways so...

Jump buffering: So long as you have enough stamina, if you take a big plunge to the ground, you can simply hold the jump key to cancel out any fall damage. This is a silly trick and is very useful in the Any% category. There's also quicksave/quickload damage cancel, but it was finicky and this jump buffer trick is way simpler. However...

Quick Save/Load OOB: Similar to the crouch flying, quick saving and loading displaces the player upwards, but unlike crouch flying, it can also displace you through world geometry and objects, leading to the broken Any% category. This trick is very temperamental, and needs to be practiced to get the hang of. For upward ascents, spamming the two keys in certain succession one after the other is ideal to clipping through ceilings. A slower tapping of the two keys in combination with holding down a directional key in the direction you wish to clip will help you to clip sideways, but take care to realize that objects will always push you upwards clipping into them, which includes doors. This can make certain sections really annoying, like the map prior to getting the cat statue where it's not worth going OOB because of the invisible barriers and whatnot, which leads into...

Save spamming: Enemy attacks are such that they will always occur after an enemy has "spotted" you and their hitscan attacks always reset with saves, meaning you can quite literally survive some sections of the game by spamming quick save and quick load until you reach a safe spot. Spamming save more than load of course for when you eventually get hit, so you can quickly continue on.


the quicksave/quickload system of this game is quite broken, as I've discussed above, but it can also break the game immediately if character dialog is occurring. You know when character dialog occurs because your Y-axis mouse movement is slowed down to interact w/ context menus... Even if those don't actually occur for every conversation instance. Besides incidental character audio, and a few preset monologue clips from the player character, you need to be safe to not crash your game from quicksaving and quickloading during conversations, which includes having a weapon holstered near interactive enemies.

It also can't be said enough, but the quicksave/quickload clips while very amazing can be a bit annoying to pull off in certain spots. Even with my current strats I sometimes struggle with it on account of having a bad keytapping rhythm to get quick clips. This also depends on how fast your system is, and I am guessing the slower your reload times are the easier it may be to get a feel for the timing... But at a loss of speed, of course.

xoGamma इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Puggsy
AlbertHamik6 years ago

Yeh, okay, "50 Levels" it is then.

Gatorbox इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Puggsy
AlbertHamik6 years ago

Well, when you put it like that, maybe we need to discuss this a bit further. After all, I think you and DREX know the game better than I do, and I've admittedly never dealt with such a category convention before despite being familiar with it's prevalence in the SMW scene. I was just going off what they were saying, as both Draco and DREX had given the thumbs up on 50 exit. But I dunno, not gonna rubber stamp it if not everyone is on board.

EDIT: I've given the category "?? Exit" for now until you guys are fully on board with a proper category name. I think everything else is fine though.

धागा: Puggsy
AlbertHamik6 years ago

or actually, a thumbs up would work too. In the bottom left of the text area.

Gatorbox इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Puggsy
AlbertHamik6 years ago

So just so we're clear...

Bonus% No Shoes 50 Exit

All in favor of the above, say "Aye"

Gatorbox इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Arabian Nights
AlbertHamik6 years ago

okay, so I guess I am actually able to clip into the wall where suicidemachine does it in his PB, but not where kotti does it for his respective PB. The movement in this game is extremely jittery and I wonder if my current binds are less than optimal: https://i.imgur.com/UFKW0f2.png (I have a WASD bind setup but for some reason the game has the bind labels confused)

धागा: Arabian Nights
AlbertHamik6 years ago

Hey, just decided to pick this game up after seeing it on this years' AGDQ stream. I am wondering how one properly sets up and controls for clipping through walls such as that in the first level?

AlbertHamik6 years ago

and suddenly the SkyNET speedrunning community is torn asunder...

AlbertHamik7 years ago

me and tbcr both have tried contacting you, but your discord name doesn't link to anything and any discord groups you're apart of we couldn't seem to join.

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