धागा: AxySnake
AlbertHamik14 days ago

An open ended question as I recently discovered that AxySnake actually saw a full version physical release out in the wild from a budget card-shape CD distributor called X3D in the early-mid 00s (actually I was aware of this CD release for a while, but had no clue of it being a full registered release). No registration needed, but it's about four versions separated from the last known official release build of the game I believe most people have been playing with.

My hunch is that there's not any real differences aside from logos and the launcher menu, and otherwise it'd be fine to run version 1.15 (in fact some of you might already be playing that version; I'll apologize in advance by stating I never noticed). However, it'd be good for us to figure out somehow what differences there may be between the 1.15 retail CD release and the 1.19 shareware release, if any.

Anyways, no rush on this. I will allow 1.15 runs or 1.19 runs all the same for the meantime, this is merely of mild curiosity to me more than anything.

AlbertHamik3 months ago

As the only non-Russian speaker I know to have inexplicably played this game to completion (it was the polar opposite of fun), my hat is off to you guys for somehow getting this game to run without framerate problems and, also, not crashing somehow.

shogunator और sWinTuZ इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik3 months ago

Yeah it'll work, and just follow the advice of the people above if it doesn't.

धागा: Cybermorph
AlbertHamik11 months ago

Hey there, I forgot I posted this comment. I admit I am not an expert of Jaguar stuff, but the one thing I am aware of is that prior to BigPEmu showing up on the scene, Jaguar emulation was pretty crap. The developer seems to be accuracy-focused like many modern emulator projects but I feel this is something that'd require testing by those who actually know and have the Jaguar stuff to compare and contrast with.

EDIT: To clarify more, because BigPEmu is the first proper Jaguar emulator that isn't garbage/"proof of concept" tier stuff, there is probably much that isn't known for the handful of Jaguar runners who would know the particulars of these games. I can only say that from when I played with it, BigPEmu seemed to be pretty spot on with games, even being accurate to original era performance by default, though they have options to speed games up too (obviously not speedrun kosher).

I only ever played on a real Jaguar once though at a convention, over a decade ago, so that is why I insist on Jaguar runners taking the initiative to test this. From my brief testing, it seemed that, as an example, Jaguar Rayman could potentially be faster than the other versions but because of the Jaguar's obscurity not many runners have touched it from what I saw. That's just an example I'm remembering from when I first posted this.

Akuretaki इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Slave Zero
AlbertHamik1 year ago

I'll leave it to others to figure out a proper angle for walking OOB, but actually I managed to figure out a solid (though annoying to perform reliably ATM) path to reach the boss without them activating their spin cycle: https://streamable.com/9r65t5

GoldPool इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Slave Zero
AlbertHamik1 year ago

So I was able to reach the trainstation boss with this exploit. Took a bit of trial and error getting precise jumps and such, and I don't really have it memorized, but after a bit I could finally mantle up to this thing without triggering its spin cycle:


Should note that I would prefer attempting that deload glitch for this area if possible, because trying to mantle or jump to OOB ledges was a chore.

GoldPool इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Slave Zero
AlbertHamik1 year ago

Oh, I see. Interesting.

धागा: Slave Zero
AlbertHamik1 year ago

With the second clip, are you hopping inside of solid collision or on top of an invisible surface specific to that area? Knowing most OOB in this game, you wouldn't normally find invisible surfaces to jump along so I was curious if it had something to do with the glitch instead.

धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

Not exactly sure why some people didn't get the compat. mode option to work, but I'll say for people not sure, try compat mode first, and if that doesn't work, THEN go with the display.cfg edit option.

धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago


deluxyze इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Psychotoxic
AlbertHamik1 year ago

I don't know how I missed this message a year ago but I think I basically found this bug you speak of for my run, but only back when I hadn't realized that I needed vsync enabled for the 2nd to last level, so I was insta-dying each time to the rapidly rising water.

I never did bother figuring it out for the wider run as I didn't think it as being important, but now that I'm thinking about it again upon reading this, maybe if I do come back to this game again I might try figuring that out for the tougher sections like the art museum.

धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

Yeh I finally joined the discord and saw everyone else discussing needing to like squish yourself inside the elevator with objects you take with you. Sounds absurd... I love it.

धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

But del couldn't figure out how. The trigger to load up a later version of the lobby area of the A.X. Corporation (the very start of the game) is somewhere in that one area meant for later on when you revisit that map or a copy of it.

But yeh he couldn't find a way and I remember finding those elevators in the lobby area have solid ceilings and you just get squished up there or something.

But if you were to find a way to get to the later game status trigger, hoo boy...

D3VILMAN, JiffeVo, और Jared420x इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

It's the calm before the storm.

Arkad200 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

If the winner of this competition DOESN'T go on a trip to Borneo I swear to god...

Arkad200, DynastyDN और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

edaam, JayHobs और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Exodus from the Earth
AlbertHamik1 year ago

JayHobs, KilleDragon और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Cybermorph
AlbertHamik1 year ago

Also unrelated to the topic but man this leaderboard needs a design. You should give me mod briefly so I can create a design for it, lol. Here's what I'm capable of when I'm on my A game for designs: https://www.speedrun.com/puggsy

Akuretaki इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Cybermorph
AlbertHamik1 year ago

I'm putting this here mostly out of posterity (not personally planning on running the game... Not right now anyways but maybe later). I haven't tested it yet myself, but apparently Cybermorph works fine in BigPEmu. Just checking to see if you'll be officiating it for runs.


Akuretaki इसे पसंद करता है
AlbertHamik के बारे में
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