Llanfair Timer Setup Tutorials?
3 years ago

I assume you're stuck to Llanfair since I guess you're using linux. I'm in the same situation and I don't know of any tutorial out there. I could probably do one by know in video-form, but probably not in the near future since I got other priorities.

Once you start into Llanfair I'd recommend to set up splits for any specific game: you open the menu by rightclicking on Llanfair then click "Edit". There you choose titles and add entries for splits. Once you're done with that click accept then enter the menu again, save the splits before you contine. Then go to "Settings" to set up how you want Llanfair to look/work like. Sometimes OBS doesn't recognize Llanfair as a window, the only way to "fix" afaik is to restart Llanfair and/or OBS. This can take quite a while.

Btw if you can get your OBS to capture browser you could use https://one.livesplit.org/ as an alternative to Llanfair. This doesn't work for me since my OBS is not able to capture browser (even though i disabled hardware acceleration).


As I always mention in threads like this, if you don’t want to use either Llanfair or LiveSplitOne, you can always run regular LiveSplit through Wine.

West Sussex, England

how can you get livesplit 1 to be visible to the game your speedrunning


why post in an old thread :)))

Pear likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I keep getting an error when I try to open a splits file with Llanfair. It says it "isn't a valid Llanfair run or you don't have permission or you do not have permission to read it", and sometimes it just says it "isnt a recognized run file". Can you tell me how to fix this and let me make an openable speedrun file?


I had these errors too after I changed to a different linux distro. What I figured out was that llanfair-files without split-icons still worked. So I opened the split files in an editor and deleted all the <ImageIcon> or maybe even the <Icon> parts. Then I could open the files again, load in the icons I had deleted and works fine since (with the usual Llanfair bugs and such).

example how your lfs-files look inside: <Segment> <default> <bestTime> <milliseconds>71070</milliseconds> </bestTime> <icon> <ImageIcon>rO0ABXNyABVqYXZheC5zd2luZy5JbWFnZUljb24HZDtmuS2DMgMABUkABmhlaWdodEkABXdpZHRoTAARYWNjZXNzaWJsZUNvbn.... </ImageIcon> </icon> <name>break - setup next one</name> </default> </Segment>

Edited by the author 3 years ago