PC vs. Genesis Version
7 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

looking to start running this game, trying to decide between emulating the genesis version or buying the PC version. Does anyone know if the PC version runs at the same speed and if all the glitches/zips still work?

South Australia, Australia

Some stuff does not work in the PC version, it's a different build

Indiana, USA

S&K Collection is a completely different build. Also, on new computers, it runs WAY too fast if a buffer is not set.

You should run the Genesis version on real hardware with a capture card, if you're lucky; emulate it otherwise. Also, if you have a compilation title, you can use a capture card with that too.

North Brabant, Netherlands

What about the steam version? It should be the same as the genesis version, as it is an officially released emulator.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
European Union

The steam version is allowed. I'm not sure if every glitch works on it, though.

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Steam Submissions Now Banned

As of today, any new submissions of S3K from the Steam version will no longer be allowed. This is due to a couple of factors but mostly being inhibited availability as SEGA delisted it when releasing Origins. Any existing runs will remain unaffected.

1 month ago