White Day Speedrun: PC vs Console
2 years ago

Given that i've been playing this game on PS4 for so long, and almost 2 years speedrunning it, i can confirm that PS4 players has disadvantages competing against PC players. I'm posting this thread in order to make a petition asking to split the categories. I made a Youtbe video where i explain in depth the differences between PC and PS4 when speedrunning this game. I'll like to send my script for the Youtbe video so you can also read the details. I may contact you via twitter.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United Kingdom

I do think this is a good idea overall.

As you said, more precision on the mouse means that things like picking up items quickly and interacting with small objects is definitely less consistent on PS4 than on PC. Like you pointed out - the jacket in Main Building 2, and the light switches in the New Building.

In addition to that, free mouse movement allows you to complete puzzles much faster, such as the workshop switchboard puzzle, the gym storage room safe puzzle, all the combination locks (main office MB1, music room MB2, etc.). So the PS4 is objectively slower in that regard, regardless of technical skill.

I imagine even basic movement like turning corners sharply might be slightly slower on PS4 as well.

Plus there are other games you mentioned which do choose to split leaderboards between PC and console players for similar reasons. Such as Detention. I can see how separating it may encourage more PS4 players. Especially ones such as yourself who have already spent so much time on it but are having to deal with the PS4's inherent disadvantages while competing.

Providing the other mods agree, an elegant way to do it may be to add a variable that splits each category by PC vs PS4.

That's just my opinion. What do we all think?

Side note: I actually have a PS4 with White Day too. I was interested in trying a run on it.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
DamianCript likes this
Texas, USA

Yeah those are all fair points so I'm fully in favor into splitting between PC and console.

scallions, DamianCript, and emuyia like this
United Kingdom

This has been done. If anyone disagrees in future it can be reversed if necessary.

scallions and DamianCript like this

As the petitioner of this separation i believe this is the right way White Day speedrun should take. I'm totally pleased to send any information about it, if a moderator who hasn't responded yet requires it. I have a youtube video & my script explaining in depth the differences of running this game on PC vs PS4.