Meta: Rules and Guidelines
Meta: Rules and Guidelines
Mis à jour 3 months ago par Celestics

Welcome to the Warframe speedrunning leaderboards and thank you for taking the time to view these guidelines! The goal of this guide is to provide a friendly reminder on what rules pertain to speedruns of this game.

If you need assistance, feel free to contact any of the moderators through Discord.

Run Philosophy

This leaderboard is considered to be largely glitch-free. If you see a glitch that seems easily avoidable, it is probably not allowed.

Global Rules

  • Beacons are banned.
  • Platinum usage is banned.
  • Invigoration buffs of any kind are banned.
  • Intentional out-of-bounds or wall-glitching techniques are forbidden. This applies to companions (Master's Summons).
  • All runs for any category require single-segment video proof, unless explicitly stated.
  • Alternative mission variants (nightmare, fissures, et al.) do not satisfy the original mission's node requirements.
  • Items, Warframe build swaps, and revives are allowed, unless explicitly stated.
  • The HUD should be on.

Co-op Specific

  • Co-op runs must begin and end with the same players.
  • You may not run missions in parallel for Co-op runs.
  • Any intentional disconnects/crashes will invalidate your submission for Co-op runs.

Moderator Guidelines

This section is to provide clarity for how Warframe leaderboard moderators conduct business here.

  • Verifiers reserve the right to reject a submission for any number of reasons, including, but not limited to, poor quality, rule breaking, cheating, or misrepresentation. Verifiers are NOT allowed to reject runs based on bias of any kind. Contact the verifier that rejected your run for more details on the decision before contacting higher ranking moderators.
  • Runs can be verified anywhere from a couple minutes to a maximum of 30 days. Please be patient and allow the verifiers sufficient amount of time to review your submission before contacting them.
  • Leaderboard verifications will be placed on hold for up to one week after every major update to allow Digital Extremes time to send out hotfixes to address bugs with the update.
  • "Testing" a moderator's ability to verify a run is considered a bannable offense from according to site staff. Offenders will be notified to site staff in extreme cases.
  • All runs can be disputed with proper claims, including a moderator's run. Please contact a moderator to discuss the legitimacy of a run.

First Action Rule

First Action is a method used to highlight when a runner starts an attempt of a category. It is mostly utilized for the highly accurate frame counting, where verifiers and runners use it as an agreed starting reference for timing. While this rule is meant to stamp out loading issues, simply standing around at the beginning for an excessive amount of time can result in your submission being rejected for AFKing.

First Action is defined by the following criteria:

  • Any mouse or thumbstick movement to look around.
  • Use of any gear item.
  • Any movement of the Warframe.
  • Opening the Pause menu.

Things that are not considered First Action:

  • Opening the gear wheel. Please note that moving your cursor is considered First Action. This bullet point is mostly used to verify proper gear items.
  • Opening the overlay map (not the expanded map from the open-world content).
  • Viewing the quick view mission summary. This is defaulted to Tab on PC only.

Please note that categories may NOT have First Action applied to them, such as the Capture categories. Always check the rules for each category for timing standards.

Macro Rules

  • Macros that press multiple keys are not allowed.
  • One action macros (rebind macros) are allowed.
  • A single autofire macro (single-button spam) is allowed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the accepted timing standard for this category? If not explicitly stated, then the timing standard falls underneath the one of three timing standards explained in this guide.

For certain categories, what order should I complete the missions in? For most cases, there is no order to the missions you need to do. Feel free to take on whatever order you like. For certain categories where there is an obvious progression metric (e.g. Mastery Ranks 1-10), you should follow the mission completion in order of that metric.

What does it mean to be Single-Segment for this game? Single-segment is anything and everything between the official start and official end of a run (check the rules for the category). This includes time spent in the Liset, loading, and relay areas (if applicable).

Single-segment for this game will use the following criteria:

  • One running timer, no pauses - see
  • Breaks are allowed for majority of the categories, but the time taken during the break must be part of the time of the run.
  • Game crashes and reloads are considered part of a segmented run. If a crash occurs, then UNLESS it is a part of the run for a good reason, the run is invalidated as being single-segment. Public runs that are a part of a marathon are excluded from this.

Are exploits, glitches, etc. allowed? If it's going to be patched or if you have any doubts, don't attempt it. Generally, any form of OOB or wall-glitching is not allowed.

Why differentiate Solo and Co-op runs? This allows for a better system of record-keeping and allows players to review runs that fit their playstyle. Certain categories also ban Co-op due to potential verification issues.

Why are certain categories or runs listed as "LEGACY"? Situations for these categories cannot be recreated anymore - that is, it would be unfair to compete against times that have a blatant advantage against runs that could be done now due to changes in speed, loading, or other factors. The game is changing constantly and these leaderboards attempt to make as little changes as possible, but it has to stay adaptable.

Why are some bosses like Phorid removed from certain categories? Because these bosses are either randomly active (which conflicts with the idea that speedruns should generally be accessible at any time) or are undeniably hard to access via many attempts (i.e. Corrupted Captain Vor, Mutalist Alad V). For the most part, the categories are made to be as runner-friendly as possible - RNG is already a major factor in most node runs, and preventing a runner from getting a potentially good run just because the server makes it near-impossible to do so is quite annoying.

(Historical) Why are Dark Sectors removed from some categories? Because they were originally PvP-based and would therefore go against the spirit of a speedrun due to variability in player interaction. This would also invalidate the run as being a "solo" effort. Dark Sectors are also slated for an update in the near future, but with no plans on what exactly the old nodes will be turned into at this current moment.

(Historical) There is already a leaderboard for raids. Why do these categories exist here? As with all speedruns - if there is no video proof, we can't necessarily believe it (except in certain situations). This board should also serve as the defacto boards for legitimate runs that are glitchless (or glitch less) and shows the mechanical expertise of the players.

Do events and invasions count towards category completion? No. Do not attempt to substitute these random occurrences with specific nodes in your run - they are banned.

Statistiques du jeu
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Profit Taker is now unlocked

Remember to read the changed for Profit-Taker and regading Macros.

3 months ago
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