United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

me and @adrianus were talking and we decided that runs no longer require a timer this goes for temple run 1 and 2

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

So i noticed with devices that are more slow or older they have slower loading times after you hit play causing an unfair advantage, so i'd like to impliment a new timing method for all categories other than highscore (for obvious reasons) instead of timing starting upon pressing play it will now start the first frame your character is visible.

Runs still do need to show themselves pressing play in either the pause or main menu for accurate retiming methods, i will start updating times imediately starting from 50m to 100m to the misc down

if you have any suggestions or questions about this just post below or message me

Gaming_64, None_of_wiz et 4 autres aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

and fyi i just clicked on 1 run too start the 50m retiming at so your run was just picked at random too be first but i've went ahead and tried to look at 3 each from both the pause menu and the main menu and tracked how many frames it took to get to see the car from the first indication the play button was hit/replay was hit i could not find any more runs that started from the pause menu, i do not know what we're gonna do from here, i have a better idea which is too have the timing starting upon the first frame the car is visible therefor we can do both, im sorry for rejecting your run i will place it back, aswell as bring it up with the mods and better reconstruct the rules and retime all the runs

pause menu 1rst run 10 frames too load

main menu 1rst run 10 frames too load 2nd run 9 frames too load 3rd run 8 frames too load

United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

There have been multiple complaints about runs on the board there times being wrong so i've went ahead and decided im going to retime all of them, 1 issue i saw with doing death% which was the category i started with is that there were 2 different places to start timing but they were both different, it said indistinctly in the rules start from the menu so that's what i thought was the rule, i'll look into the if it turns out there the same time i'll update the rules and put back the runs that i rejected, but yes your right the rules are iffy and it will be worked out, sorry for the inconvience and thank you for bringing this up

United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

as long as its not a tas and your not using key bindings its ok

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

just for the record im gonna do a run of this game and @Sizzyl has made me a mod

Gaming_64 et Sizzyl aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

To keep the forums from getting added a new thread every time there's a new category idea we've created this forum. This thread is for category requests, the best way to get a category added is to have a video provided in your request

This thread could also be used for requesting changes to already existing categories.

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

well from about the time this game was added to the site to now mods have been retiming using the what i like to call the "close enough" timing method, basically as long as the time looks close enough once submitted it will be verified despite not being retimed properly and this is where we get

i said in another forum thread recently im going to retime all the runs in all the categories, which is what im gonna do, im also doing this for a few other games aswell but this is next up, take a look at death% thats 1 category i've already retimed all the runs in

Gaming_64 et Gecko35 aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

the runs are reviewed within a day or 2 of them being submitted. i dont know how much faster you expect runs to be reviewed but the time it takes the mods to review runs in this game is totally fair, plus "Before your run appears on the leaderboard, it will be submitted for verification by our moderators. Run approval may take 1-3 weeks in some cases. You will be notified shortly."

so honestly your request makes no sence

Gaming_64, YoloMenace001 et 4 autres aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

there's a new discord server now also linked in the sidebar

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

in what way would that lead to more accurate times?

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

@Daravae i'll explain why i want him removed, i asked if he could make me a moderator for 2 fifa games because he isn't active on the site and has said to numerous people he doesn't care about the site and speedruning in general anymore. and theres someone in the discord who had a 5 1/2 hour run pending for quite some time and wants it verified. so i got in contact with him on discord and he added me, then he asked me not to ask him for anything else,then i told him if he's done wih the site and doesnt care about speedruning like he says and doesn't want people to contact him he should remove himself from moderator and he said theres a thread to remove inactive moderators, and i told him he should remove himself since he just logged on to save time, then he got mad and said he's got better things too do and removed all the contact methods from his src profile and threatened to block everyone, then he blocked me on discord. he's not gonna log on the site regarly as is not going to moderate, just look at my screenshots of the dm's, if theres problems with the boards and i need to get in contact with him, how am i gonna do that. so i want him removed from the 2 fifa games i mod, and to help the other community remove him from the series and the other game

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

hello, sorry to come back here with another removal request for this user but , i would like to request @JayKayGame removed as a moderator of these games and this series for this , ontop of that before he logged on today he was offline for 3 months and before that 1 year, so i'd really appreciate if he could be unmodded. Thank you

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

hello i'd like to request a few things, could this game be put in this series

this game be given the webgame tag and renamed to clara rockmore's 105 birthday, and this game be given the mobile tag

United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

you can follow the games your interested in on this site and you can have it set to give you notifications when there's a new wr set in a game but no there's not really a place that shows the latest wrs

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

dude rb1 level 11 train is kinda easy, dunno what the big deal about that is ngl, like you can get a whiff clip off those big spikes? no problem bro, and a whiff jump off the saw? thats doable as hell bro like you don't know bro this will be an easy BOP dude no joke

Gaming_64, LUMLTPM, et NorXor aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

due to the fact there is no way to reset your progress it makes the any% category a little DIFFERENT i guess you can say. I want to make this thread to further explain the less obvious rules, there are a few links involved so i felt this post may be neccessary.

These are the 10 objectives for completion of the game:

this is an example run: goal 1 at 13 seconds in, goal 2 in 28 seconds in, goal 3 in 22 seconds in, goal 4 in 23 seconds in, goal 5 in 13 seconds, goal 6 in 32 seconds in, goal 7 in 50 seconds in, goal 8 in 16 seconds in, goal 9 in 28 seconds in, goal 10 in 17 seconds in

edit: "in" meaning in the video, not the timer

Gaming_64 et BurgerBobby aime ceci
United Statesafnannen1364 years ago

if you could just message me or reply here telling me what songs are missing and i'll look into it

and about the "glitched and not legit" runs just message me those or reply in this thread pointing to which ones and i'll look into it

Gaming_64 et KilleDragon aime ceci
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