Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

pardon me, forgot to post this

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

I make a small request that I'd prefer for it not to start around the 14th, as I may be on vacation that week. I also intend to submit to Frame Fatales which happens on February the 23rd to the 29th - however, my times can be adjusted to stop potential clashing, so it's less of an issue.

You don't have to cater to me, but it does indeed feel like this place is in need of submissions.

InstaSim aiment ceci
fil: G-Force
Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

No real requirements asides from no actual cheats.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

I guess I'm biased, but Grapple Force Rena. It may look slow and plain at first glance, but it's got a lot of cool tech and sneaky tricks. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to catch it live, but I'll watch the recording for sure.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Please check the about page before making the mistake of necroposting on a marathon that finished months ago

This is one big reason we really need to separate current, past and upcoming marathons on the forums.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Can the links be replaced with another link shortener or pastebin? The google link shortening service died ages ago, they aren't clickable and pasting them in only brings me to looking it up in the search engine, which shows nothing more than a load of linkbacks.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Ngl, making this thread 'cause this marathon isn't appearing on the forums at all, and it's really soon.

So, here's a question for you all: What run are you most looking forward to (asides from yours?)

Baffan aiment ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 -cough-. I know Epic has a dubious reputation these days, but the game is way back from 1998. It's got fun movement and a lot of tech that players like in popular platforming speedgames, yet it's not the hardest thing to pick up and learn. I'd love to have more competition in other categories.

To a lesser extent, Freedom Planet. It's a more popular speedgame but I still feel like it's underappreciated, especially Carol and Milla. But I can't blame a lot of runners for dropping the game, it's one of the hardest to master and can be very punishing. But when everything goes well, it's really stylish.

Then there's games I'm considering picking up that are even less appreciated. Like they could do with a lot of routing/glitch-hunting.

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

You mean individual levels or things like episodes? For the latter I recommend making it a misc category. Theres a checkbox for it.

Or do you mean subcategories?

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

On an unrelated note, here's some quality of life improvement ideas for marathons on;

Auto-synchronization between horaro and - virtually nobody uses the latter for putting up schedules, it's not convenient to update on two websites at once.

Notifications if a game you followed gets accepted into a marathon.

Past and and upcoming marathons a user has taken/is taking part in. Can also be manually added if the user do so wishes.

If a marathon is currently running, it is temporarily kept to the top of the marathon forums and categorized as so. Lets also say if the schedule was auto-synchronized with horaro or on itself, no additional input is needed on the organisers end.

Below currently running marathons would be Upcoming as middle and Past as a bottom category. This would help clean it up a lot and combat necroposting.

When submitting a game, let players submit subdefinitions of main categories without the need to type them. It's all fine if it's just Any% with no other specification, but some have ones like certain characters and different rulesets.

Quivico et ShikenNuggets aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Oh right., is there any chance we can recover the old assets? The ones I used were saved on a broken PC and weren't uploaded anywhere else.

EDIT: Oh no, pixelart backgrounds look really bad. I really want an option to tile instead of upscale.

Aquellex et Imaproshaman aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

I enjoyed layers, as those are really useful for tileable backgrounds, especially landscapes.

I have a soft spot for autoscrolling (I used it for two of the boards I customised), but I know a few find it annoying and old PC and mobile devices don't particularly like it. If it does return, perhaps have an option to turn it off and leave it off for mobile devices. I find it's great for tiled landscapes and menu-style backgrounds. Vertical scrolling would be nice too

And yeah...I'd like to be able to colour the main tables to compliment backgrounds again.

Aquellex et Imaproshaman aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

It was probably deleted because the mods want all feedback on one thread.

And yes - backgrounds as an option were removed because Pac didn't like the majority of leaderboard backgrounds. I made a masterpost idea to solve this issue.

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

I know there is a thread, but this post is pretty big and I'd rather it not get buried among them. So, here are a list of options, that can even be mixed in some cases;

Option A: Bring layout mods, with new background options that help reduce clashing. Yep, just moderators who do nothing but moderate layouts, logos and themes. Every background that would get submitted would have to be verified by them. If the submitter is found to be consistently good at it, they no longer need to be verified. They would also have the power to edit layouts of all games in the case of color-scheme disasters, and those who apply would need a portfolio or history of making good layouts. I am 100% willing to do this.

Additional options to edit backgrounds that reduce distractiveness can be added, such as dimming, desaturating, basic hue filtering and lowering contrast - with a level to apply them. This helps a lot against clashing. Backgrounds can be previewed before submission. GIFs wouldn't work with this, but they're such an outdated format that little editors used anyway (I'd rather it be applied to the image because applying it on the page could be draining on the CPU, especially mobile users).

Option B: Make banners more customisable and provide guidelines, and provide different customisation versions for light and dark layouts -OR- Make dark/light layout surroundings automatically adjust in accordance. That way we should be able to have some more layout editing options back.

Banner customisability options such as tile instead of upscale would be so much better for pixelart. At the moment it gives you an ugly blurry mass.

Have banner guidelines so I know what should look the best and instead of a very cropped/distorted image.

Option B is not my favourite, but it seems far more likely to go through.

Zanum et Forginal aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Hey guys...

You can use google cache to find the old layouts of I don't know how long it'll last however.

Just type in google search.

If were going to keep banners (even though I still prefer backgrounds), can there please be an option to not upscale images and tile them instead? Pixelart banners look awful, and it is a staple style of many videogames.

Just compare this:

And its cached animated version:

to this (lol):

I haven't been given a recommended size so I don't know how to stop the blurry mass.

Quivico, Urinstein et 3 autres aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Custom backgrounds had their days numbered ever since

Yeah I know, and expressed my dislike of removal of them on the forums a couple of months ago. I didn't think customising the color tables would be removed as well.

I can only maybe imagine removing backgrounds for bandwidth saving reasons, but removing it because some people were crap at it feels like ruining the fun for everyone else. (I can't read the twitter post)

Quivico, Imaproshaman et 2 autres aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Gonna be frank..

I don't like that themes were removed. At all.

All the effort I put into giving leaderboards their own character..gone. It's youtube 3.0 all over again.

Naramgamjan, f1 et 40 autres aime ceci
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

They're a bit outdated now, but still worth a watch. Hoping they get updated soon.

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

Recently a fullgame Milla TAS set was done, but it's not fully functional due to RNG pains. Here's a DV Lilac TAS to keep us occupied in the meantime.

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

This new TAS tool is doing us good!

À propos de Treya
Combat platformer junkie, enthusiast of the fast-paced kind. "Not-Sonic" specialist???
8 years ago
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2 days ago
Jeux joués
Freedom Planet
Freedom Planet
Dernière run 4 years ago
Freedom Planet 2
Freedom Planet 2
Dernière run 1 year ago
Dernière run 3 years ago
Dernière run 1 year ago
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Dernière run 4 years ago
Dernière run 2 years ago
Code Bunny
Code Bunny
Dernière run 9 months ago
Spark The Electric Jester
Spark The Electric Jester
Dernière run 7 years ago
Jeux suivis
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles
Dernière visite 3 months ago
Soda-Powered Penguin
Soda-Powered Penguin
Dernière visite 9 months ago
F-Zero 99
F-Zero 99
Dernière visite 10 months ago
Code Bunny
Code Bunny
Dernière visite 10 months ago
Freedom Planet 2
Freedom Planet 2
Dernière visite 10 months ago
Neon White
Neon White
Dernière visite 11 months ago
Spark the Electric Jester 3
Spark the Electric Jester 3
Dernière visite 11 months ago
Dernière visite 10 months ago
Jeux modérés
Freedom Planet
Freedom Planet
Dernière action 3 months ago
Freedom Planet 2
Freedom Planet 2
Dernière action 2 days ago
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Dernière action 2 months ago
Grapple Force Rena
Grapple Force Rena
Dernière action 1 year ago
Spark The Electric Jester
Spark The Electric Jester
Dernière action 2 months ago
Code Bunny
Code Bunny
Dernière action 1 month ago
Jazz Jackrabbit
Jazz Jackrabbit
Dernière action 3 years ago
Dernière action 5 months ago