North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Cyberdemon on page 3: "NG+ is not any% because you dont start at the beginning of the game. You start on a cleared game file."

It's amazing how many other examples we give you, but you just go in circles. Is there an actual reason for being against this change? Even one? Or are you standing firm on the "laziness" argument? Because if that's the only issue, I'm more than willing to retime every run (and many others as well).

@Stirling Being "free" is irrelevant and off topic.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Every RE4 runner also hasn't done an optimal run except for one runner in any%. New tricks get found, faster routes get made. You can't just pretend it doesn't exist because you're stuck in the past.

AndreaRovenski aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Reminder Pokemon had been using IGT for years and realized that that was archaic with newer developments of the route.

They are now retiming every run to be RTA and accurate, as moderators it's your job to do what's best for the speedgame. I don't see how timing everything RTA "just isn't realistic." If there's other reasons, that's fine, but just because you're too lazy to do it is not a "realistic" reason for being against RTA. Especially if it's just "we've done this for years!"

Steam version didn't exist 10 years ago, now it does. If there's strategies that make the game go faster, they need to be addressed. If that means needing to change timing methods, then that's just what's going to have to happen.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Level doesn't matter for IL's. Be as strong or weak as you like.

It's be quite annoying having to do a new file every time you do an IL haha

ossie aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

As an addendum, the Rules and Timing methods have been updated and set. Any runs prior to today with different timings will be grandfathered in, but from here on timing should be as specified by the rules. They are as below with their reasoning:

[New Game+] Timing begins on confirming the first mission of Chapter 1.

  • This is self explanatory as it's a NG+ run.

Timing ends on the results screen after the final mission.

  • This is due to there still being player input from the ending scene for the last mission itself. All other Missions include scene skipping in the run, so the last mission should be no different.

[New Game] Timing begins on confirmation of school choice.

  • This is for a few reasons. The first is because the player is still skipping scenes and moving to the first chapter, and that should be counted. Second is that there is the possibility the the runner may do something else. In Senran Kagura 2 for example when going to the Dojo, we do side missions for a power up before continuing the game. This probably won't happen in any%, however...
  • This timing also will apply to 100% and possible new categories for All Schools (as these would be New Game categories). If we start timing at confirmation of Chapter 1, the route will then be to select whoever's intro is the longest and then start on Chapter 1 of that school. That's not fair for those who might start with a different school entirely, and limit 100%'s possible routes as the timer would still be going when you're going to the next school. So starting the timer at the school select will make everything the player does included and fair.

Timing ends when credits appear; after last player input.

  • This is because the player is still in control and scene skipping. It's the same as NG+, where you're including the scene skipping for other missions, so the last one should be no different.

Hopefully the thought process behind these rules make sense, and are agreeable. If there's any debate about anything here, feel free to post and discuss. As said, any runs prior to today are fine, but will be expected to follow them in future runs.

SG_Yusuke et Hypelastika aime ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

What do you guys think of specifying 100% with "All Trophies". Looking at the list, it's basically what was agreed on, and wouldn't require maxing character levels or All A Ranks (which would be debatable) and would have a clear cut measurement.

EDIT: Talked with Hypelastika and discussed more specifics for the 100% rules, and came to an agreement.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Feel free to join and ask all the questions you want. :)

Fir3turtle aiment ceci
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Just wanted to post a Thread that I reorganized the board to be easier to navigate and read. If you're following the game, chances are your notifications blew up, which I apologize for. It required manually moving your submitted runs, so that's the reason for it.

Please make sure your runs are indeed in the right areas and none are missing. They should be just fine and where they belong, but errors could happen. If your run is missing, just resubmit it and I'll approve it quickly.

Having this layout makes it easier to add/remove categories and make unique ones that might be requested along the way. It'll also massively reduce redundancy. So let me know what you guys think.

This was a long time coming, but it was put off for various reasons. But with the recent surge in submissions and runs, I decided it needed to be done now.

Thanks guys!

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

I mean, 100% would be hundo, right? XD

If you do a run of hundo, just PM me on Twitch, or tag me on Twitter and I'll check it out.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

It's similar to Hyrule Warriors where it's not a category entirely because no one would run it. Or at least, no one thought it'd be ran. If you do a run, I'd be willing to add the category (same happened in Hyrule Warriors where someone did it, then it was added).

EDIT: also, I never really put any thought into what 100% would qualify as. Would it be All A rank too?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

That's how I like boards to be. But it's sort of a community-by-community thing. Some are very adamantly against any time whatsoever being posted without video even if it's like 90 hours.

fil: Talk
North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Proof is up to the communities. Some communities have a threshold for proof. Some don't require any at all, and some require proof even if your time is 30 hours for a 1 hour run.

Some mods I know will reject a run if you don't have a timer on-screen. Some mods will reject any run that twitch cut into parts. I don't agree with these, but I'm not part of the moderation for those games.

Seems weird to drag a global mod into it. But I guess I'm not understanding the situation fully.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

I'm actually not sure why this board even exists, since the other two games have a variable for if you did it on the 3DS.

It just causes confusion.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Oy vey.

I don't know how you can sit there and concede I made a conscious choice but the idea that someone else did is impossible.

Why is asking so taboo, again?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

"(I don't really see the point of not having them here but it's none of my business) "

That's a good point. So why do you consider these other people's runs your business and that it's your place to upload them in other places without their knowledge?

Also, you have no idea if they don't have accounts here. That's sort of a point I made that you actually quoted but ignored. You could take someone's run, upload it here, credit it to the same YouTube name, but uh-oh-- the guy you credited to links to an account that the runner didn't make. Someone else got the name here and the runner's profile has a number in their name, or a underscore.

So now that run is credited to a user who took their name first because for some reason you felt you had to step in for someone and put their run on a leaderboard.

What's so hard about contacting them first and asking? Why is this topic so important that you don't want them aware of you doing that? My Twitch name and YouTube name weren't the same or a long time. So were you to find my YouTube and take my run and upload it here, you'd be giving it an account that DOES exist on this site, but is not me.

As you yourself said, it's their personal choice if they didn't want to make an account, or didn't want to submit their run. So why do you feel the need to do it for them?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

I put my runs on my YouTube as a archive of my runs, and to share with friends. Some speedrun to just top their best, not necessarily compete with others.

It's still a hobby at the end of the day, you know? Still, it could be they just didn't know about this site. So it's still worth reaching out to them, imo.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "if you don't want to."

I asked if it was right taking people's speedruns and posting them on a leaderboard without their knowledge. Like if I were to take your past broadcasts on Twitch and post it to YouTube for you because you didn't. The second place time on Senran Kagura 2 didn't highlight his speedrun becuase he didn't care about the leaderboards, so his run is now deleted off twitch. Would it be right for me to have recorded it and posted it on YouTube for consistency?

There might be a reason they didn't submit it to the leaderboards, or they simply don't want to. Most of my speedruns aren't on this site, and I don't want them to be. Just because "other people have done it" doesn't mean that that's something that "should be done." Heck, you don't even know if they don't have an account and just use a different username. So you could be crediting a run to someone who didn't even do it on this site. A good example are a few Minish Cap runners who's accounts on this site are not the same as their Twitch.

You should contact people first before taking their runs and posting them somewhere.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Is it cool just adding people's runs to the leaderboard without them knowing?

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

Also if you're that worried about it, you can just use a single timer and just stop it on the final hit to Vaati. If unsure of that accuracy, then you can retime it later on during a replay of your local recording/past broadcast.

North Carolina, USABlueInfinity228 years ago

I'm guessing that's a "no" since it's been half a year and no response.

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