Why is recording with phone not allowed?
2 years ago
California, USA

I personally think it should be allowed because it can show proof its not hacked by making the footage raw. With OBS it is much more easy to fabricate runs. Reasons this SHOULD be a rule are welcome here.


I'm not one of the mods but to me it feels like recording with phone can lead to bad quality, you could say you can then only accept the runs with good quality but then it becomes subjective which isn't a good thing

I also can't really see what way of cheating wouldn't be obvious when using OBS but would be obvious when recording with phone

Overall I can completely understand frustration with this not being allowed and I would maybe like to see it change as well but those are just some points I came up with at the moment for why it shouldn't be allowed

California, USA

That makes sense

United Kingdom

The reason cheating is less obvious with recording with phone I think comes from people sticking two videos together and pretending it's one run (for example, the video jumps from 5 apples to 20 apples and cuts out everything in between).

With an OBS screen recording it is (theoretically) possible to splice the two videos together and there be no sign of cheating, but with a phone camera it would be blatantly obvious that the video had cut because the lighting in the room and background noise would have jumped.

Basque Country

how are you gonna split with 2 videos a snake game, it doesnt make any sense lmao to get a video nof you getting 25 apples is x map, you need a game where you get 25 apples in that map without cheating, you cant save the game and play from a certain point to split it


Guys the reason is because the board size changes with your mobile screen so if you have a small mobile the board will be smaller than a big mobile

Basque Country

@Ayabcvx i think he is asking about recording to the screen of the PC with the mobile phone for the run or something, not playing in mobile phone itself

United Kingdom

@KilleDragon good point - I hadn't thought of that 🤦

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Basque Country

tho why would be not allowed to record runs with mobile phone

United Kingdom

It might be that because they have to verify hundreds of runs, they decided they could do without runs from a phone camera where they have to squint to see what is going on

Don't get me wrong, I am aware that it is possible to record well with a phone camera. HOWEVER I think that lots of these runs would have reflections covering half the screen and collectively take a huge amount of effort to verify correctly.

Queensland, Australia

The no-handheld rule originated back when Snake speedrunning was just starting to get popular, long before the in-game timer existed. Every run had to be retimed manually by reviewing the footage frame-by-frame, which just doesn't work with things like motion blur and camera shake, not to mention that the entire board needs to be visible throughout the entire run.

Since the addition of IGT, this is no longer an issue, although we still have no incentive to remove this requirement. I'd guess that fewer than 1% of runs are handheld, so there really is no difference if it's there or not.

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Wiltshire, England

madspeedymalkolm flashbacks intensifty lmao

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From now on the ingame timer, aqcuired by pressing t, is required for all runs. This includes speedrun and highscore runs. Your run will no longer be verified if the video only has audio.

10 months ago
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