showing other languages on pages
6 years ago

i'm not sure if this is just a problem on my end or just something with the site, but i tried to add the japanese name for the game i'm the mod of in the title as "Cave Noire / カーブノア" but when i save the changes it shows the title as "Cave Noire / ?????".

is this just how src is with other languages or is it a problem on my end?

European Union

works on my end - don't put the japanese title in the western title field, please.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

for me there's only one title field, so i don't really follow

United Kingdom

There is no Japanese text field for game names anymore, I don't think. I can't even see it under any game in 'Edit Game'.

Though the name of the game properly translates into Japanese when using the Japanese language selection. (Language selection is currently in Beta, so only some users can get access to it)

I believe Pac is fluent in Japanese, so he may be choosing to handle the translations to Japanese himself, which may be why the option is removed. Don't quote me on that, though.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Pac likes this

okay, cool. im glad it translates correctly through that. thanks for your help

Yeah the Japanese name field is hidden for now, because I'm making some changes to how languages work.

[quote]I believe Pac is fluent in Japanese[/quote]Nah only about half. There's a native speaker, 0xwas to translate the site navigation. I've been trusting game mods to translate the Japanese names of games, and for the most part, it's worked out fine, but a lot of the time "Japanese characters only, no rōmaji" is too difficult to understand apparently.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 4 others like this