Importing splits from a text file [Livesplit]
4 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I use Livesplit. I know the basics. I can configure my screen, enter in a short list of splits, etc. What I can't -- or at least don't want to -- do is manually enter several hundred splits through the Edit Splits menu. I'm looking to do a 100% run of a very long metroidvania, and the splits are doubling as my notes so I don't forget anything. I've got the route planned out. I'm just really hoping I can type this up in a text file, which would be way easier to do, and just bring it in. Google searches show ways to import from other programs, but not from a basic text file, so I figure I might as well ask here.


I don't think you can import it 100% automatically, but what you can do is copy the contents of the text file and paste it into the first Segment Name in LiveSplit, and it'll know that a line break means it's for the next split. You'll still have to press the "Insert" button a couple hundred times though, maybe you can use an autoclicker or something to make that easier.

I do have to ask though, if using your splits as your notes is resulting in you needing hundreds of splits, then... is this really the best approach? At some point the splits become kinda useless when you have so many of them. Maybe there's a better way for you to go about this.


dont know if itll help you but if you write each split name into a cell in excel or google sheets you can copy paste a selection of cells into livesplits edit splits

Pennsylvania, USA

Okay, thank you. I'll try that. And yes, I know it sounds like a weird situation, but I have my reasons for wanting to do it this way.

Pennsylvania, USA

Just reporting back to say this worked, although it wasn't obvious at first. You have to highlight the field but not click into it a second time to edit the text. Also, annoyingly, it will not create the rows for you, so I have to spam-click "Add Below" enough times to fill all my fields. Even though I've decided to break into a few segments, part 1 (about 3 hours) will still have close to 500 entries. But they're all in there now, so thank you for that.