Before split route
Before split route
Updated 7 years ago by Anteri__

Female MU [Ninja +Str-Mag] Normal-Classic No DLC, Bonuses or Rewards Holding A+down scrolls the text faster. Holding Y while moving the cursor makes it move faster. Pressing Start skips some cutscenes. Dont talk to your butler in your castle, instead Press Start to Build/Go to the map. You might need to adapt/improvise depending on RNG.

MU BASE Stats: 19HP, 9Str, 2MAg, 7SKl, 6Spd, 5Lck, 6Def, 2Res.

[Prologue]: Theres a lot of cutscenes so you will be spamming start.

Turn1: Select MU and wait. Turn2: Select both MU & Takumi and wait

[Chapter 1]: Having a +Def build prevents being 2KO.

Turn1:Move one square up. Turn2:Go to Options. Turn animations off, Game speed to Fast,Skip Actions to All,Slide Guides to off,Confirm Auto to off. Attack Xander. Turn3:Move to the Healing spot Turn4:Attack Xander. Turn5:Defeat Xander. (You might want to get a +1 Def to make the next chapter easier)

[Chapter 2]: Dont touch Jakob. Rinkah deals 5 & 9 dmg (Base Def MU+1) || 6 & 10 dmg (Base Def MU).

Turn1:Move MU 3 squares to the left and 2 up. Move Gunter 2 spaces up from MU. Turn2:Move MU all the way up. Move gunter right to MU.(IF you got the +Def Lv up dont attack this turn, if you didnt get it Kill the Samurai with Gunter) Turn3:Kill Kaze with MU(Dual strike Gunter). If Gunter misses Reset.

[Chapter 3]:Hans can make this chapter slower if he lands his attack(22% chance to hit). Omozu loves wasting time.The Pegasus reinforcements cannot harm Jakob while he's in the forest.

Turn1:Move MU 4 squares right. Place Gunter down from her and Jakob to the left of her. Turn2:Pair MU with Gunter. Move gunter down and switch to MU. Move Jakob so he catches up with them. Turn3:DV with MU. Move Jakob to the forest up from MU. Turn4:Move MU close to the boss. Turn5:Attack Omozu. Turn6:Defeat Omozu/ Seize

[Chapter 4]:MU needs at least 8 Spd. Normal Faceless: 12 atk, 6 Spd, 3 Def, 18HP 2 Faceless: 14 atk, 8 Spd,4 Def, 20 HP Boss:16 atk,10Spd,6 Def,25 HP.

Turn1:Visit village with MU. Trade Vulnearies to MU and pair up Kaze with her. Turn2:Use the DV. Turn3:Move 4 squares up and one left with MU & use the GoddessIcon. Turn4:Use the DV near the boss. Turn5:Move 3 squares left then 3 up and use a Vulnerary if you need to. Turn6:Move one square up and three left and separate place Kaze to the left from MU. The battle should end during EnemyPhase. If the boss is still around you might die depending on how RNG screwed you are.

[Chapter 5]: Ryoma dies a lot for me at turn 4. Depending on how many hits he lands you will kill the boss between turn 4-6. WyrmslayerMerc: Deal 13 dmg to corrin at 25 Def. Ryoma: Deals 5 dmg to the boss & is 2HKOed by him. Boss against Ryoma: 42% Hit chance during Ryoma's Phase, 72% during EP Boss:38HP,32 Atk,30Spd,24Def,17Res.

Turn1:Move MU 3 squares left 2 down. Pair Rinkah with Kaze and move him 1 square right 4 down. Dance for him with Azura and attack the mercenary. Turn2:Move MU 1 square down. Azura 4 squares left.Kaze 1 square left. Turn3:Kill the mage with MU. Dance for MU and move her close to the boss. Use a vulnerary if you need to. Turn4:Attack/Defeat the boss.