hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

This can be happening for too many reasons, hence I recommend joining the discord and checking the channel #faq. Make sure to check out and follow the video of how to set up Portal for speedrunning: If it is still not working, I recommend asking in the help channel on our discord server, there are many more people there to help, but we do ask for the basic research to be done. Hope it helps!

SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

First of all, sorry for being a little too late, we do respond earlier if the request is done on the thread made specifically for so: .

The main issue I see with this category would be that, firstly, a great amount of the would be just regular oob and from 17 on it would be like 24 cubes but just with one, which makes it incredibly similar to two already existing categories, which is, in itself, a rules. We also do not allow runs that do not start on the vault, with some excepcions for obvious reasons.

If you do still want to push this further, make sure to rethink your request and post in on the thread above making sure it does not go against any of the rules noted on this thread: .

We appreciate your particiation by submitting runs and we expect to see more from you.

SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Sorry for being a little too late, category request should however go on the correct thread made specifically for them: .

First of all I would like to point out that this would be incredibly hard to set up, the main reason being that you can just lower your dpi to an incredibly low value or using scripts that would go unnoticed just to make the sens even lower, so I do not really see the point on having a category for this(even less with this little explanation).

If you would like to specify more about this, we are happy to hear if you follow the rules on the following thread: .

Thanks again for your participation!

SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Yet again, I suggest posting this request on the correct thread, this being the following:

This category was many times requested in the past, the main issue with it is, well, it just changes a few chambers, to the point where it's almost the same from chamber 06 and on and the rest is exactly the same as any glitchless run. This means that your category already breaks on of the rules of making requests, you can check how to make a proper request here: (The case of this specific category is pointed out on that thread too).

We do however appreaciate your participation and we expect new ideas from you!

hilo: Portal 2
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Hello. This is thread is posted on the Portal 2 game page. Unfortunately, there is no saveglitch in this game, as fast as I know, you might want to move this to the actual Portal game.

Bain8renn y Evandar les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

First of all, please stop submitting categories here. It's explained above.

Second of all, Suicide% already exists.

aruma les gusta esto
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Whilst I do like the "Ball juggle" concept and I might try it at some point, there is a couple inconveniences that I will now point out:

First of all, the run is around 85% the exact same as a regular run of the main categories, which would go against one of the rules of the request; and starting from chamber 19 would be not suitable for a formal category, since an official save would have to be made and it would be extremely inconvenient for timing and starting the run.

Second of all, the ruleset requested "Glitchless/Inbounds" is not correct, Inbounds is what we assume allowing the use of any glitches that do not exceed the map or "Inbounds space", this one is split in two depending on the allowage of save and loading. This means that Glitchess will always be Inbounds.

Thirdly, I do not know how the community would embrace this category, judging by the fact the run depends a lot on rng due to the randomness of the ball bouncing after being pushed, in a game that is almost 100% skill, this would reduce the amount of people that play the category drastically, and it being a category extension would probably be one player or none, and we do not want that to happen.

Lastly, the end is incredibly hard to time and some adjustments to the rulset might be needed, such as having to kill glados to end the game or perhaps getting the orb in the incinerator.

Goodigo les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

As I always say, please, do the category request on the forums of the category extensions, since there will almost certainly not be a new main category unless a new game breaking mechanic is found, and yet I doubt it would happen. The correct place to request them would be this: The main issue of the requested category would be, aside from the fact that it doesn't follow the category submission rules ( ), that there's already a sv_cheats 1 and 0 and noclip category. I do not know how different are cheat codes on console but I would imagine there couldn't be a significant different among all these. However, if I am mistaken, please request it in the forum above and it will be discussed. Thank you for your particiaption.

ThatBox les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Once again, I request you guys to move these kind of suggestions to the category request thread on the Category Extensions, since it is almost certain that there will not be a new main category any time, soon. We appreaciate the ideas given, but they must be placed in the place they were intended to be.

Here is the thread: Rules for the category request can be found here:


ThatBox y aruma les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

First of all, it definitelly does not meet the requirements to be a category, since it is literally the oob route until 19 and then a portal bump, so I can safely assure that, unfortunately, this idea is never going to make it to the Category Extensions, let alone the Main Game.

Second of all, for any cateogry request, they are probably going to be ignored on the Main Game, there is however a threat on the Category Extensions forums that allow players to request any creative categories that come to their mind. The thread I am talking about is this one: And the rules for the request can be found here:

For anyone reading this, feel free to express your ideas for categories in that thread so that they can be discussed.

CupOfCoffee5 y aruma les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

First of all, no, that is not a "wide strafe" that is just a regular strafe (roughly explained above), I would consider a wide strafe from 180 or similar, which are possible in other source games, for instance Half Life. Second of all, no, you do not need a wide strafe to start and afh nor an ash, but it does give you a bigger window to get the hop, since it gives you more speed. Lastly, I would recommend joining our discord server for inquiries like this one since we have easier access and most questions will probably be answered in the span of a few minutes.

brododragon y PuriDMR les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

If by wide strafes you mean just strafing to change directions in the air, I can assure that performing such a move is almost impossible due to the loss of air control when a certain speed is reached. However, if there was a way to remove that cap, it would just be like regular strafing, moving the mouse to the left while pressing "a" and right while pressing "d".

brododragon les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

As I said, the batch file comes by default to inject the raw input in Source Unpack 2.4. However, if even with that you are sure that you do not have raw input enabled, you can manually inject it on manually. There is a folder on Source Unpack with a readme in it that ecplains it all.

Another important point is that in the version 5135 there is no option of enabling raw input from the menu.

hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

There is a way to disable raw input.

The only thing you need to do is to right click on the file "portal.bat" click on edit and remove the " -noforcemaccel " and " -noforcemspd " from the file and replacing the last line ( "RInput\RInput.exe" hl2.exe ) with " del /A:H *.dat ".

That should enable Source Engine's mouse acceleration. (Don't copy the quotation marks.)

hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

It technically is not allowed, since it is scripting after all, but it is so minor that most people do not even care. I also think that most of the times it doesn't work.

hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Time shalt never be manually paused.

Pear y PuriDMR les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Worry not, we are here to help!

In addition to that, if you ever need help with anything, I would suggest joining our discord server and asking your questions there, since they might be answered by everyone and will probably get a response quickly.

hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

First of all, demos are no longer needed in case of using vault save. Second of all, if you want to submit demos, the best way of submitting them is by uploading the files into a folder to a site that allows you to share them, such as Google Drive, Mega or Dropbox, then sharing them with a link and copying that link and pasting it on the description of your run. DO NOT paste the link on the video link, since it's exclusive for video.

trout_kun les gusta esto
hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

It is easier to do with a camera, it is also faster.

hilo: Portal
SpainMagicSalad3 years ago

Check any speedruns on the site and you'll see the ways there are.

FlancakeA les gusta esto
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