California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

I noticed that myself on one run, although like you said it doesn't seem useful.

Also if we ever found RNG manip I would probably hate any% because the influence of RNG is what makes it fun for me and would run with no manip anyways.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

As a note to anyone looking to submit runs, it's not too expensive to invest in a PSTV, you would just need the cables and an HDMI splitter. PSTV is also a pretty solid console in it of itself as well for other games.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Let's do it!

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Yeah due to the patches I dont know what changes we can expect going forward, hence I haven't done more to run this game since my first run :S

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Those are fine, though you can always run those without a leaderboard for them being up yet.

I was mainly expressing a concern due to the fact that the game is gradually getting patched, that old runs might be impossible to beat due to access to old patches on DRM-free versions, which would defeat the purpose of even having a leaderboard if the only people who could replicate day 1 bugs were lumped in together with v1.07+.

Granted Im not mod and I'd still run NMG anyways even if it never got added lol

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Hi, I currently run two other games by this developer and am working on routing Any% Agent (Normal Difficulty).

There is one thing I think that really should be addressed with running this game early on so that it can be avoided in the future. Namely, the bugs with the game.

I'm not opposed to glitches or glitch abusing in speedrunning, but due to the rocky nature of this game's launch and how it's getting gradually patched to get rid of gamebreaking bugs due to how frequently and unpredictably they show up, I think there should be some sort of distinction or restriction involving "Any% with glitches" vs "Any% glitchless/No Major Glitches", or something along the lines of "Any% current patch", as I certainly don't want to say something along the lines of "We shouldnt speedrun this until the glitches are patched" either.

Currently the two most broken glitches I know of are a glitch where enemies will die right at the start of battle (though I am unaware of how to manipulate or control this) and a pseudo-NG+ bug where equipment that is obtained in a previous playthrough may leak into a new playthrough if a file that is in late-game is saved over. So far I've had it happen where Chahn has a weapon with 184 power at a time where her weapon should be around ~30.

The reason why I propose this is mainly due to the fact that the continual patching of this game is going to lead to old patches having glitches which are unfair to use and compare runs to because the game will no longer be available in that state, leaving only people with access to those patches or DRM-free launch versions of the game able to get those times should they exploit the glitches. (I also don't think glitches like these are especially fun to run with myself, but to each their own on subjective matters.)

hilo: The Site
California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Would like to request two things.

A: The removal of Breath of Death VII: The Beginning from the Breath of Fire series. That game is very clearly not a BoF game, it's an indie game with absolutely nothing in common other than it's basic genre (RPG). It was lumped together with that series probably as an error. The moderators for the game are fine to remain, the game is relatively inactive and theyve done a fine enough job.

B: A "Zeboyd Games" series; as a runner and moderator for both currently run games by that developer (Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World; excluding the Penny Arcade 3 and 4 as that has its own series) I think those games would do better if they were put in a series as they tie into eachother, are functionally similar and are made by the same developer. If this is doable then I would also like to request to be series moderator.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago - Found some new movement optimizations. Apologies for poor picture editing, this PC only has paint.

Also I timed it to be about ~11 steps per second for your movement speed.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

So I've since added a few new things to the route:

-Call Kraken (Umi+Cthulhu Unite Tech) is extremely useful in the first two dungeons. it's like flood that activates every turn and uses less menu time. -Dark Spiral (Cthulhu+October Unite Tech) DESTROYS entire mobs from the point where you get October on. In fact it may be slightly faster to kill enemies with this if you can reliably kill them in 1 turn than it is to run away up until you get the Warp Trident in the Spaceship, as Umi's Agility is pretty low until then. -The money to buy the 2 weapons in Providence should be 5400. You should always have 5400 if you: fight Ape Princess the first fight after Umi hits level 14, and then do 1 "fight" command encounter before providence. You do not need the Cthulhu Sword. -Did some revised movement - for pictures. yellow line = faster, red = slower.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

- found this by accident. So this is a thing. I know nobody really runs this game, but I feel it's important that some information be preserved.

SuperAL1 les gusta esto
California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago - I have revised the notes a bit for clarity and some changes to strats.

hilo: The Site
California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Requesting Moderatorship for the game Rocket Riot ( ), for a few reasons.

I initially submitted the game around the same time as the person who submitted, and his submission went through first, overriding my own.

I made a forum post on the game's forum, posting a VOD of a complete run of the game's normal campaign (i.e. the closest thing I could think of to a proper any%), as the one category listed is an incomplete category (It involves beating the first 6 stages of normal campaign which has 48 stages in full, which the moderator of the game even said in the description of the VOD that he only submitted it so that he had a video to submit to this website ). I received no response from the moderator of that game on that forum post, and he has no contact information (Twitch, Twitter) listed. This was 3 weeks ago with no response yet, and the thread has received multiple views by users other than myself, indicating that at least someone has read that post. He has also made no other forum posts in the last 4 months, suggesting inactivity.

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

I did a run yesterday with some of the changes I've since learned about:

-a few fewer chests and Chimera wings (still need to be better about these) and more optimal movement -Hitting Harvest Loon twice per cycle if possible -Spacing out elasto blasts trying to be around 5/6 a second each -Other stuff I cant recall off the top of my head

Have more to do but this game can definitely be pushed down.

If I can catch your runs I can also help you out as well :)

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

So I went into "edit options" and changed the game's Twitch listing to simply Custom Robo, because there is no game listed on Twitch as "Custom Robo Battle Revolution", and basically everyone who streams under the listing "Custom Robo" on Twitch is streaming this game unless they put in their title "N64).

Now, that was something I made an executive decision on because there was no sense connecting it to streams to a game that does not exist according to Twitch, but I feel there should also be a discussion on what we should list this game on this site (SRcom) as.

Stop me if you've never heard this one before: "I didnt know anyone ran this game!" I certainly don't think having the game listed on the leaderboard by it's Japanese title (which most would mistake for a completely different game when looking up Custom Robo listings) is helping fix that.

I feel like keeping ties to the Japanese title doesn't make sense when there is effectively no Japanese RTA community presence here. Most people who know of this game that would come to this website (i.e. Westerners) call it "Custom Robo", so if they go to search this game on, they will end up finding the listing for Custom Robo N64 under the name "Custom Robo", find the wrong game, and likely will not know that they are looking for this game instead.

I believe what this game (Battle Revolution) should be listed as is "Custom Robo (GCN) -or- (Gamecube)", and possibly change the title of N64 Custom Robo to "Custom Robo (N64) -or- (Nintendo 64)". Even in the unlikely event a Japanese runner comes in, they will most likely be able to tell the difference between the two games, especially since the Japanese cover is used as the game image.

However, before making a change, I would like to discuss this with the community.

California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

Step 1: Have a lot of time

Step 2: Get lucky

Oh and if you once had this game and want to redownload it, you can check your download history on Xbox Live and redownload the game.

mitchpopo les gusta esto
California, USAGhostKumo7 years ago

It's, far as I know, frame perfect pressing Start after B.

I generally don't reset for it because it's 4-7 seconds in an RNG heavy run and I'd rather work on runs.

California, USAGhostKumo8 years ago

^ That feel when someone comes in and actually tests stuff that I myself have no idea how to do. Good find on the elasto blasting, that will come very much in handy for runs, thank you!

Out of curiosity, have you run any tests on any way to skip up to the top half of Forewood Forest? I tried but I dont know if there's some sort of clip or way to get enough vertical height to get over that. Being able to get a slime or two up there would skip the optional fight I do in RTA in Tootinschleiman's Tomb.

hilo: Ys Origin
California, USAGhostKumo8 years ago

Dunno about notes, but for now I would suggest reviewing WR (taking note of the one big mistake it makes) and make notes from that. If you have any questions about tricks or movement, feel free to ask.

hilo: Ys Origin
California, USAGhostKumo8 years ago

In fairness, it doesn't take a genius to see when a time is obscenely better than another, such as the ingame leaderboard time for Yunica easy.

But for video comparisons, there is definitely at least some merit. We have a discord with most of the community available in it, feel free to ask about boss rush runs. I can give you the link through a Twitch PM if you'd like.

As for ILs in story areas, however, there's no real point in my opinion. You can theoretically just grind to max level and do all of Guilty Fire for instance and it'd technically count. Plus the start and stopping points are arbitrary.

The concern with leaderboards is generally the idea that adding a category should be for stuff people already run, rather than adding a category in order for people to run it (i.e. people run the game because they find meaning in it already rather than run the game because there is a leaderboard tracking it.) Basically, the discussion begins with asking if people are going to run it to begin with or if it's simply going to be a leaderboard dominated by one runner because nobody else cares. (I personally would be fine doing boss rush runs at some point but I have other things I would like to do first).

Acerca de GhostKumo
8 years ago
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Ys: Memories of Celceta
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