SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

We've tried this before. the category doesnt fit so it will take up an entire row for itself which looks terrible.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

downloaded a few runs and added them to audacity. I've compared the runs by frequency and lord and behold it seems like lucianoRX has done it again.

This shows you the static noice between the credits and the last screen of 4 different runs ran on the Playstation. Not only is there a clear cut in the audio in lucianoRX's run but also the black loading screen is way faster, both suggesting splicing.

First time i've tried this btw.

Demidrol-007 y Hydrus les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

I dont like the seperation either and I dont like region modding. I'm for original hardware & software which in this case would mean that 1.11 (which only was released in America as far as I can tell) should only run the American version of the game. Same goes for any other models.

The rule we have now with showing PS Driver Version will in that case stay but we would only focus on the model number and if it corresponds with the region of the game.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

So I rewatched his run from the beginning to croc. Only damage he takes is 2 floor misty, 1 Embryo Acid and 1 bite from Croc. No healing was done before croc and he still manages to get to caution.

I also wanna say that I tested this myself. I downloaded the American version of PS1 RE2 DS, used Cheat Engine to see my HP value and took the same damage as lucianoRX and I ended up having 119HP after croc bite.

I can now confirm that this guy did cheat by splicing different runs into 1 video.

666Deadhunter has also pointed out that there was some weird things in his Dino Crisis 2 Speedrun but according do 666Deadhunter lucianoRX deleted his questions on youtube.

Last I found is that during the credits you can hear the buzzing noice from the analog signal but it suddenly disappears when the final screen is loading and you can cleary see/hear that that has also been spliced.

Run will not be accepted.

@666Deadhunter @Carcinogen

Hydrus y StevenMayte les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Been watching the run to the croc and I've found something weird. After he takes the first bite from the croc he goes down to caution. This should not have been possible from my understanding. You start with 200HP and caution starts at 100HP. He took 2 bites from Misty on the bus which is 7+7, 1 acid from G-Embryo which is 7 and then a bite from the croc which is 60. 7+7+7+60=81 so his HP should have been 119.

Now it is possible that the croc did 80 damage which he does on Hard Mode but our damage charts say otherwise. It's also possible that I missed a zombie bite which would've done 30.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Albirex's shows the PS Driver version when he resets the console at the start of the video. lucianoRX's run is impressive since its from 2007 and I can tell that he doesnt have Fast Disc Speed enabled for some reason. Anyway normally I would agree that this run would be accepted but he did remove the door animations so we have no way of checking if he ever spliced the run and just ran any% to get the time he got and 0 saves.

Hydrus y StevenMayte les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

We disable the FMV's in regedit. This is allowed because IGT stops counting when a FMV's is active. Search for Regedit in windows and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CAPCOM\BIOHAZARD 2 PC\MovieEnable (set this to 0)

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

you just do the same thing, replace the number with the name you want.

For example: else if(cur_segname == "-1") { return current.room_ID == 2 && current.stage_ID == 0; }

If you rename the "-1" split to "Kendo" then you also have to edit the script to be:

else if(cur_segname == "Kendo") { return current.room_ID == 2 && current.stage_ID == 0; }

LoanSharkJoe les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

you have to rename the parts in the script aswell

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

All Unique Enemies All Unique Weapons All Unique Items All Files and Maps

Use Electric Cable, Light the flare for Lab Weapon Locker Key, Unleash B.O.W Gas, Register Fingerprint.

Pretty much everything thats unique in the game. Killing all enemies seems a bit off bc first of all you cant pick up anything before RPD bc Brad (which is a unique zombie a.k.a Boss with his 250HP and the Special Key) wont spawn if you do. So you would have to knife everything before brad. You would also have to kill any extra G-Embryo babies that can come out after the boss fight. All Rooms are also kind of unnecessary, you could make the same argument for All Camera Angles or All Inspections in the game. :P

At the end of the day 100% will be completely arbitrary 4Head

PereCasteur les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

There's a few ways of doing it. Mashing left right left right, mashing forward or just mash aim to QS like I did.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

what is the requirement for rank S/A ? No FAS, No Save, a time under 2:30:00 ?

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

I've been thinking about what the definition of 100% would be and here is what I've came up with:

Bosses to Kill: Brad G-Embryo Crocodile G2 Moth G3 G4

Things to Collect: All Maps All Files All Unique Weapons, Upgrades and Unique Items

Other: Use all Unique Keys and Items (Keys must be discarded. Items like the cable for the windows needs to be used). Register Fingerprint in Lab

I dont think entering worthless rooms is necissary or picking up non-unique items like multible small keys or ammo.


Edit: Based on Leon A

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

4 Scenarios 1 run.

100% would include all files, all unique weapons, all bosses.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

There you have it. JILL'S DIARY% will be added eventually along with any other categories people want.

Locking this thread since the main topic has now been adressed. If you wanna propose some other categories then please use the thread:

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

submitted a request for Category Extensions

Symm, Cleberex y 3 otros les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Category Extensions would solve alot actually. Then we could have as many ridiculous categories as we want.

RebeccaRE, KittensXO, y GunHeadLes les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

So how about everyone writes a new post and explain why this category should/shouldnt be added. Let's give it our best shot to act like adults.

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