SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

it would make the board look ever worse than it does so NG+ will be moved to the extended categories

HorrorDoesSpeedRuns les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

@TrichaelMan the "(empty)" part will dissapear when runs come in. so it should all fit.

TrichaelMan les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

any possibility of clipping through kendo's gun shop door? cause that would probably skip ada.

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

yeah i'll switch that. whatever is the most popular will be main view

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

updated the board.


SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

If people still wanna set it to 120FPS than those runs goes to variable.

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

Yeah I know. But this shit has to be solved before we accept submissions. And I refuse to reject runs because people didnt install a 3rd party program to run the game.

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

I have an alternative solution.

Tabs: PC/Console Subcat1: Leon/Claire/Leon2nd/Claire2nd Subcat2: Standard/Hardcore Subcat3: OoB/No OoB Subcat4: 60/variable

NG+ will have to be moved to the extended categories page cause 4 subcategories is already overkill. Board will look like shit but it will workout for everyone.


Firkraag y MuRFaaY les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

You know, segmented could be a thing on the Extended Categories page.

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

Those refresh rates you find in the options corresponds to your monitors capability. If you're on a 144hz you wont be able to find 165 like I can.

@uhTrance The most popular category of Leon PC will be main. either NMG or MG

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

everyone cant get 120 because most people play on a 60hz monitor.

Hoobie, Waifu, y mackmcd les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

Looks like most if not all would be fine with: No Major Glitches (60fps) to put everyone at an equal playing field. Major Glitches (variable) for those who can achive extreme FPS and wanna destroy the game.

I like this.

Showing FPS for "No Major Glitches" will be mandatory

Tanky, lollipopomg y 5 otros les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

99% of people will also achive 60fps for a more equal playing field

ChuvaKO les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

We could just go with 2 subcats: OoB & No OoB 60 & variable

That would solve the problem for everyone but its not the most beautiful solution in the book. Dont think there is another solution without compromising anything

Ratslul les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

We also have stairskating so maybe "Major Glitches" and "No Major Glitches (60fps)" would be better?

So far we only have Any% but if there are more we got an Extended Category page on SRC for it.

Lite y Cluly les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

Game has only been out for a few days and alot has already been found. Before the boards will be open for submissions we have to talk about the knife and subcategories.

We've already planned to seperate the boards between OoB and No OoB. But now when we have the High FPS Knife it becomes tricky.

First thing, the name of the seperation cant be named "OoB and No OoB" anymore so best name for it would be "Glitched and Glitchless".

You could add yet another subcategory which will both look like a mess and it will also create more categories: OoB & No High FPS Knife which probably will be the least popular category on the board and even more categories for console which barely makes a difference.

Personally I consider the High FPS Knife to be a glitch. I cant possibly imagine that the developers intended for the knife the be like the 2nd most powerful weapon in the game.

What do you guys think?

Should High FPS Knife be accepted across the PC board or should we have a category for "No OoB + No High FPS Knife"?

bearlol les gusta esto
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

@Hoobie so enable variable framerate and you're good?

SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

Loading a autosave file which takes you back to the last checkpoint resets the timer. But if you die it takes you back to the last checkpoint but the timer is still ticking.

So for hardcore runs, if you die then the run is over.

zgl les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
SwedenDarazanjoll5 years ago

It would be nice if people who follow a game gets a notification whenever the rules change for a specific category. For Example: The rules has changed/updated for "category" "game".

It's the runners own responsibility to be updated about the rules before running. Everyone won't agree with this, especially if they just finished a run that took a long time to complete which now would be invalid. This Notification would prevent such cases.

Alayan, Bogdan_mk y 2 otros les gusta esto
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