D10 FPG inputs
5 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

Does anyone know what the inputs are for D10 fpg?

United States

@Darpey that's for d70 subpixels, i think he meant d10 subpixels

Oklahoma, USA

Yeah just deleted my post after rereading it, lol - d10 no idea


L-L-LR-LRA-Nothing-R. @Flamedemon612

Editado por el autor 5 years ago

Also if you want without L+R then i'm pretty sure L-L-R-L+A-Nothing-R works but i'm actually not sure, also L-Nothing-R-L+A-Nothing-R as well if the first one was correct.

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
United States

If L, nothing, R, L+A, nothing, R isn't working, try also fiddling with when you release right as you're falling towards the pole.

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