Would it be legal to run a emu at higher fps to break the record
1 year ago

What i mean is if someone were to be able to do a 454 but sped up there game to a higher fps ie 61 making the game slightly harder but breaking the record.


No, it's not legal

United States

Directly from the game rules:

"Anything that you cannot do with an original and unmodified NES, brick controller and SMB1 cartridge is prohibited. Including but not limited to:

  • Altering the game speed (FPS)"
PoketrainerMS, botta94gt y 2 otros les gusta esto
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago


Do research before posting a question in the forums

New York City, NY, USA

FYI the unofficial record for beating the game at higher speed is a 2:58 by Aryais (at 400% speed).

Scrimsion, Anir y 2 otros les gusta esto
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago


Editado por el autor 1 year ago
New York, USA

That’s not his channel

United States

Bro why are you advertising your channel ( laughing crying emoji )

Imagine posting this without taking 15 seconds to check and see if it is in any way true

advice: do research before making self promo accusations

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
australian, Anir, y Glitchedblood les gusta esto
Chicago, IL, USA

Fr Dude never has anything positive to say

Anir, SkilletToast, y LiamTrader les gusta esto

I do always find it weird how vc runs are slower because of framerate but it dosent work the other way around. Makes sense though

New York, USA

he didn't even put the actual emoji, he just typed "(laughing crying emoji)" how lazy

Chicago, IL, USA


Washington, USA

i swear that guy gets on my nerves every time he types

Chicago, IL, USA

Me and you are officially friends

United States

he just entered the community. Probably has no idea who Blubbler is lol.

New York, USA

funny thing is, in crescendo's post he was saying that the wr for beating the game at 400% speed is BY ARYAIS

New York, USA

this guy also made a post saying that he wants comments on smb1 runs to troll runners, and then deleted his post

Chicago, IL, USA

Yeah, like imagine tryna troll people on SRC. Some people man… some people

Estadísticas del juego
Últimas noticias
Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
9 months ago
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