Sonic CD Restored 4.0 R4 Released
Sonic CD Restored 4.0 R4 Released
Publicado 1 year ago por

4.0 R4 change highlights:

  • F1 function key now loads Stage Select
  • F5 no longer forces you to resume from a Lamp Post
  • F1/F2/F3/F5 now executes the PauseSound command before executing the Stagemode_Load command
  • Legacy.exe updated for gameplay parity and now included in the main download as an option for low end PC's
  • Restored CD93 Super Peel Out physics (you can jump over a specific set of spikes in SS3 with the Super Peel Out now; affects the Amy spindash as well)
  • Restored behavior to a specific Falling Block in WW1 and Moving Spring in MM1 that had changed due to the increased Screen Width; 400 --> 426 (Thanks to InceptionKitten)
  • Restored Leaderboards button to the main menu; now takes you to's CD-R leaderboard (Windows only)
  • Fixed a CD11 bug that caused a player to do extra frames of skid animations after getting hurt or flying, thus preventing the player from performing a spindash, or turning them around without their input, or just plain slowing them down.
  • New bonus screen for players who are able to complete the game under 15 minutes

Happy Memorial Day! CatBoo

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