Resident Evil 2 - 100%
8 years ago

This tread is NOT made for adding a 100% category.

Ok, I've been wondering what 100% would require in Resident Evil 2 if it existed. Picking up All Notes (including Rebecca's photo dudsLmao ), All weapons and upgrades, register fingerprint in lab.

These are a few things that I would consider 100%. Since RE2 only has 1 ending for each scenario 100% kinda becomes irrelevant and would be considered as a meme category.

Lets play with the thought that we were forced to come up with a 100% then what requirements would you pick?


United States

You could fall back on the old A/B scenario completion. It would kind of constitute as 100% since you're getting the full story both canon or non-canon. So, completing both respective scenarios along with collecting weapons, upgrades and files can be considered 100% :D .


  • Both scenarios must be completed in a single segment
  • All files, weapons and upgrades must be collected
  • You have to enter every room in the game at least once (opposite side of the Interrogation Room and Dark Room come to mind). You don't have to physically move around the whole area just anywhere that has a door load and ones you have access to really.
  • Registering the fingerprint for both characters
  • You can choose to take both the SMG and side pack in the RPD Weapons Storage for one character if you want
  • Brad would be mandatory for Claire since she actually gets a weapon out of the special locker in the RPD's Dark Room OpieOP

Would it not be possible to have 100% for each scenario? I mean doesn't Chris and Jill both have canon related things in their scenarios and they have their own 100% category?

Pennsylvania, USA

I like the suggestion that FurryWulfz said with the killing all enemies encountered, but everything that is a collectible should be picked up for a 100% run i feel. Would love to see someone try the run!


Pre-Kendo will be alot of fun when running "Kill all enemies" Kappa

United States

I think getting all the files is fun :D I only suggested entering all areas at least once in a Metroid fashion (% completion after all), but for RE it would be tedious. Getting all the weapons is a pain too and screw getting those damn Films DansGame

I like doing weapon restrictions like Colt SAA, Custom Handgun/Handgun, Crossbow, and Shotgun runs.

United States

All Scenarios tbh

You only avoid very few rooms in a speedrun.

Besides, All Scenarios forces a different kind of gameplay that encourages less resetting.

A run like Kill All, All Scenarios, All Files, All Weapons would probably take 7 hours or something like that.

For me, I think All Kills, All Pickups, All Files.. I feel there's not much for RE2 to constitute 100%, even as a meme category.

Texas, USA

Sorry, I know this thread is super old, but I'm new here and have my 2cents to toss in lol.

Having thought alot about this before, I think a 100% would constitute both an A and B scenario (but not both A's and B's), all weapons, all Files, and registering fingerprints to enter that one room in the Lab. Also, getting Special Key and changing clothes (at least once, and that'd need to be Claire as she gains the SAA needed for weapon completion) and developing all pics (including Rebecca's check desk 50x pic).

Those requirements have always seemed pretty all-inclusive to me, as it essentially covers everything and gives someone a full RE2 experience story-wise. :)

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