General Basics of Super Spies
General Basics of Super Spies
Updated 8 years ago by ebloodycandy

Cutscene Skips - As your screen is fading white to start a cutscene start mashing the 'start' button. You should only see the first screen appear then the music will stop and you will be loaded into the level. YOU CANNOT SKIP THE FINAL CUTSCENE (that I know of yet). This will shave approx. 3-4 minutes off your time.

Item Selection - Selecting items is a bit backwards in this game because it goes by counter clockwise rules. pushing left on the dpad will select the item to your right and pushing right on your dpad will select the item to your left. At the start of the game you will get glasses immediately, this can be quick selected for the first 2 worlds by pressing down. Glasses will be your main item of choice for the entire run and will be mostly the center of your choices.

Action Queuing - This game has a built in action queue. What that means is, if Dora is in the middle of an action and you start mashing an action button. Once Dora has finished her current action she will move onto the most recent action done. Most famously done towards the end when she is counting all 3 green gems at the door. If you have ANY item on except the glasses she will preform the action IMMEDIATELY after she dances and you will lose 1-3 seconds pending on what item was used.

Basic Movement - Dora is slow as heck.
> Holding the 'Right bumper (R)' on your gamepad will allow Dora to sprint. Sprint moves her twice as fast as walking and lets her jump greater distances (very useful for Barn-2). Sprinting alone will save you about 5 minutes from normal gameplay.

> Pressing the 'Left Bumper (L)' on your gamepad will bring up Dora's backpack/inventory.  This can be VERY useful if you are out of range for the backpack hint but need an item for your location (watch my current run to see rocket boot manual selection).

> Crawling...  Dora's crawl speed is as fast as her walk speed (slow) and there is no way to speed this up.. HOWEVER, there is a way to speed up the time it takes for Dora to get up from a crawl.  Once Dora is crawling if you tap 'up' on the dpad she will stop in place and take about .5-.75 seconds to get going again.  The catch to this.. Dora can jump from a crawl and climb up ladders from a crawl.  This movement trick is VERY VERY useful for Spooky Caves and Desert since they utilize the crawl the most.  

> Climbing Down Ladders vs Falling Down.  Dora climbs ladders pretty quick but sometimes it can be tricky to go down from a dead sprint.  Dropping down off a cliff is a bit faster than climbing down a ladder simply because of Dora's starting animation to start climbing down.
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