Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

Yeah. A part wich is precisely defined and should be always the same length in the same language.

TrenttheN642, WiiSuper, und Quadruplex gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

I took 4 measurements and the part I measured is a timezone for me. I hope it gets clearer.

TrenttheN642 und WiiSuper gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

I just did a little test course of the first 10ish minutes of the game until Frank stops talking when you have to build the cabinet in the basement to get your police outfit.

  • I did my test on PC
  • I have 5 timezones which are defined by parts in game where you as a player can't influence the time.
  • First timezone was the first cutscene until the "Chapter 1" screen appears.
  • Timezone 2 is the second Cutscene which pops up when you reach the police station
  • Timezones 3 and 4 are the little dialogues between Frank and Chase when Frank shows Chase the different areas in the basement. Those dialogues were quite important for me bewcause you can mve around freely during them but you can't trigger the next part of the "story". So everything relies on how long they are talking. -Timezone 6 is the "Cutscene" where Frank runs against the 3 boxes on the stairs until he stops talking.

Conclusion: I only tested German, English, French, Italian and Spanish so far but I'm not planning on doing all the other languages as well because those 5 gave me a quite good overview. The "real cutscenes" are always the same length. Timezone 1 always took 3:29min and Timezone 2 2:45min. I would make sense if every cutscene has the same length. Those are videos just with different voicelines. For the other timezones: There are little differences in times. There might be a certain margin of error and they were always in a range of 1second over a timespan of 15seconds for timezone 3 and 4 and 26s for the last timezone.

For me this will mean that I will keep playing in German. I'm sure there might be differences in languages but most of the times it takes longer for you to go to the next area than it takes for the call or dialogue or whatever to end. With the right language you can save at best 30s or something so I would say it is more efficient to perfect your run and your route through the levels. Also you would really need to measure a majority of phonecalls and dialogues which are slower than you to really find the best language. For me not worth it until you really did a perfect run with your native language.

Good luck and have fun if you want to try it.

TrenttheN642, WiiSuper und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

You guys are really trying everything :D I like it. Maybe I will do some tests on PC since there are 12 different lasnguages but for the 9 of the WII U it should be the same on PC...

TrenttheN642, WiiSuper, und Quadruplex gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

This is a PC/remastered Version specific question: I just did a little test run where I tried to complete the first chapter as fast as possible and what I saw was that it took me ~35min (WR on WII U ~18min). Sure I wasn't prepared at all and did some major mistakes which cost me maybe 3 or 4 minutes but I have a lot faster loading times than the WII U. The thing which was killing me were the Cutscenes. Does anyone know that it is correct that you can't skip cutscenes at least in the first playthrough of every save?

And what I also saw was that some super bricks like the one you collected first on WII U above the pool isn't there on PC or at least not available when you first drive to the police station.

This would mean a lot more work for me because I will have to explore most of the routes myself. I mean everybody has to work for his stuff... And there would be a lot of downtime because of all the cutscenes. I don't really think that the 5 hour mark for Any% isn't possible. I will have to see...

WiiSuper und Quadruplex gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

By Character Codes you mean the Cheatcodes you can type in to instantly unlock disguises so that you don't have to actually collect them? This might save some time on the 100% run but are those allowed or are just the red bricks as "cheats" allowed?

WiiSuper gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

Yeah that's what I thought about as well. I just wanted to see if it'd make sense to take some red bricks like the one for the super color gun to skip some major parts in the later story missions. I will have to see this when I'm preparing for my runs. I'm already having fun:D

WiiSuper und Quadruplex gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

Yeah I read the rules but I wanted to make sure that it is right that also your breaks countto your running time and not just the rare play time. I think I got it now.

Also doing a Any% run at first might be a good idea because during this run I can get used to the timing program and speedrunning itself and don't waste a lot of hours if I do a major mistake in the 100% run. Also an Any% run should be quite similar to the beginning of a 100% run because it makes sense to first unlock all characters and then collect all collectibles.

But thanks for your advices so far. You will hear from me at last when I did my first run;)

WiiSuper, Quadruplex, und ItsNiklass gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

Ok thanks for your fast response. So basically the time that counts for your run is the real time from pressing start until I complete the last objective and it says 100% in the pause menu for example. No matter what happens in between. But it makes sense to only do some short breaks to eat/drink or something like this.

WiiSuper gefällt das.
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germanyhaifishtime7 years ago

Hey Guys! I'm completly new to speedrunning but I had a lot of fun lately playing LCU. I just finished it with 100% and all achievements but I want to play it a bit more and I thought speedrunning it might be a good reason to do so. Also, I would like to do a 100% speedrun. I'm not targeting the best posible time but I would like to set a good base time since no one hase done a 100% run so far as far as I know.

I have already read the FAQ on the overall forums but there are still some questions:

-I think it will take around 20h or more, so my question is do I have to do the complete run in one turn or can I take breaks whenever I want?

-If I have to complete it in one turn doing it on PC might be not the best idea because there is the risk of crashing, right? But if the game crashes during a run have I lost or can I just restart the game and keep going in some way?

-Do I have to measure time myself or can I just take the ingame time?

-How do I prepare at best or would you even recommend me to try speedrunning some other games first which already have been speedrunned?

-Do you take some notes on what to do at which point in game or do you just try to remember everything?

Just tell me everything you might want me to know. There will be some more qeustions for sure but I can't imagine anything else right now. Hopefully you can answer those as well. My first plan was to complete the game a second time and note the locations of all major red bricks and every collectible and how to get there. Then I would like to find the best possible route through all of this.

Thanks for every advice haifishtime

xGlitchyx, WiiSuper, und Quadruplex gefällt das.
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