Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

That actually solved the problem. Thanks!

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

My aiming isn't bad in GTA III/VC. I feel as though it's at a decent level. On the "Farewell, Chunky Lee Chong" mission, my crosshair was aimed directly at his body, but was every one of my bullets for some reason. Then, I did some testing and figured out that the bullets were going slightly to the right for some reason. Checked Vice City as well, and it was doing the same thing. Anyone has any idea of what may have happened? If so, how can I fix it? I'm streaming soon, but I can't with this thing going on...

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

Ok, I'm currently learning the any% routes and strats. My only drawback is the Megajump... I never done it before, nor do I have a clue on how to do it. I'm aware it helps you save a lot of time, maybe I can actually beat my PB. Secondly, the Dodo. This is the best vehicle in the game, but I don't know how to use it, definitely going to help me in my future runs if I can figure it out. Runners are very good at using them, but I need more practice. Lastly the replays. They are the most important mechanic when running this game. I don't know how to save a replay before missions, and playing it back to start a rampage. I feel as though it's different from Vice City's F2 F3 F3 F2. Help is definitely needed...

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

I'm happy you took the time to reply. Thanks. You made some good points.

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

@Mhmd_FVC Glad to hear your thoughts on this. Congrats on the WR.

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

@Odyssic I like watching both MH, and KZ_FREW. Both are great players. And been wondering how that gotten so good. I guess practice makes perfect. I guess I'll set goals for myself and see where I go. Thanks for your advice. I'll keep practicing to improve myself. That will be my goal for now. I will get the JPN version whenever I have the time. Good luck on your future runs.

Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

Hey! I've been learning the tricks/glitches for Vice City in the U.S. version(I am aware that the JPN version is the better one). Now that I learned them, do you have any tips on how I can continuously get better at the game. No new strats have been released for the game yet, and players are improving their time consistantly. I would like to know how. Thanks!

Thread: Speedrunning
Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

In a description, speedrunners often uses the word tricks/strats/splits. But what do they mean? I want to get the grasp of what they are talking about because their are many different definitions of those words. The question may sound stupid, but I just want to get my answers. Thanks.

Thread: Speedrunning
Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

Thank you guys very much.. I'll upload an any% run once I learn the game more.

Thread: Speedrunning
Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

I planned to speedrun some shooters(specifically the GTA Series). I haven't thought about other genres, but may get to that in the future.

Thread: Speedrunning
Michigan, USASophisticated8 years ago

Hello, I created my account today, and I'm really interested in speedrunning. I have some games that I would love to perform in. Its amazing how players can beat the game with such skill as quickly as possible, and I decided to try it for myself. But it's harder than it looks. Any tips would be great! Thanks.

Sophisticated Informationen
8 years ago
8 years ago
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