Polo101 month ago

Well Fouks, you have work again now ;)

Polo106 months ago

But v nice for this time !!!

trolli123 gefällt das.
Polo106 months ago

Lol Candela screenshot.

trolli123 gefällt das.
Polo107 months ago

That promise, if trolli want, a very beautiful fight between you two for the wr of this track !!!

Haenschen gefällt das.
Thread: SuperTuxKart
Polo107 months ago

Hello everyone!!!

I want to open a new category in STK speedrun.

It's about battle.

I want open this new category because it involves skills and risks talking. And I want so reward that.

But there are some problems :

  1. The present box

The present box is sometimes more or less lucky. Sometimes you can have more cakes and so it's more easy to touch other bots.

2.The way of bots

This problem are minor . Indeed I think the bots are a defined way and so it's not equal for all.

But generally the bots have almost the same way and the same behaviour.

So the solution can be to give the same things for all.

It's an idea and I think it can be good to show the skills of pro fighters.

What do you think?

Feedbacks are wanted.

Have a nice day!!!

Polo108 months ago

I hope

trolli123 gefällt das.
Polo108 months ago

Try to beat me in STK kimden records ;)

trolli123 gefällt das.
Polo108 months ago

And normal here too ! And very great here too !

Congrats for this times !

trolli123 gefällt das.
Polo108 months ago

Nice run trolli ! Very great ! You can try in normal now 😉

trolli123 gefällt das.
Thread: SuperTuxKart
Polo101 year ago

Re Wax, Non je ne peux pas répondre à ton message toujours pour la même raison.

Thread: SuperTuxKart
Polo101 year ago

Hi Wax, Merci beaucoup. Pour l'instant je ne peut pas t'envoyer de message personnel car il faut que mon compte est plus de 7 jours or il n'en a que 2. Et au fait tu peux me tutoyer comme cela se passe lorsque nous jouons sur quelconque serveur avec quelconques joueurs. Have a good day !

Thread: SuperTuxKart
Polo101 year ago

Yes, excuse me, I'm a little too demanding and I went too far. I would like to contribute to STK by blender but unfortunately there is no tutorial in French to learn how to manipulate it and make tracks. Would you have a tutorial to advise me ? In terms of code I don't know anything so I can't help in this area.

Thread: SuperTuxKart
Polo101 year ago

Hello, A few days ago I wrote a post on the freegamedev forum. I didn't get any answer yet and it's maybe too early to have an answer. But I thought that if I waited more I might not get an answer and that by going through this forum and you I thought that I would have more chances to get an answer. I wanted to talk to you about Alayan who we haven't heard from for almost a year now. Maybe he is taking a break as he did in the past or maybe he stopped the development of STK? And what happened to the works in progress which are like stopped for 3 4 years now. I wanted to know if you had any news from Alayan (or maybe Alayan will answer me by himself) and if you had any information about the future of STK (tracks under construction mostly)? For more information and I really advise you to go and see, I made a similar post on the freegamedev forum. I have wrote this message with a translator because with my English skills I can't write good this message. Have a good day!

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