New York, USAOGFantasyFlan4 years ago

Yes, I saw it after I finished work this week since it kept me very busy. I'm in the process of re-editting everything and also trying to find a way to add a timer, going to have to get a software to help me add a timer and do a little extra editing from my laptop. Thank you for the response and the help

New York, USAOGFantasyFlan4 years ago

I was speed-running Challenge 6 and I got a time of 3m 02s 02ms. The problem with that is youtube does not show milliseconds and my only proof is a picture I took while editing the video which shows milliseconds. I do not really know what to do. I don't know if I should put 3m 02s or 3m 02s 02ms. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

OGFantasyFlan Informationen
4 years ago
2 months ago
Gespielte Spiele
Perfect Dark XBLA Challenges
Perfect Dark XBLA Challenges
Letzter Durchlauf 4 years ago
Beobachtete Spiele
Perfect Dark XBLA Challenges
Perfect Dark XBLA Challenges
Letzter Besuch 2 months ago