United StatesMooseEatsBear3 months ago

The above link is dead, please use this link instead!


United StatesMooseEatsBear5 months ago

Hello! Due to a recent clarification in rules, the recent runs you have submitted will not be verified until a load removal document is also submitted along with each run.

If you are having difficulty removing loads from your runs, please contact me on speedrun.com for assistance. I am unable to remove the loads for you, but I can answer any questions you have. I would suggest uploading the runs to YouTube, as the frame-by-frame function on the YouTube player is very easy to work with and makes load removal significantly easier than on the Twitch player.

United StatesMooseEatsBear5 months ago
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United StatesMooseEatsBear5 months ago
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United StatesMooseEatsBear5 months ago

Thank you for the charity incentive submission! Cell B5 is incorrect, though, the load time is actually 0:41.98. I'll approve this regardless since it doesn't change the LRT.

United StatesMooseEatsBear1 year ago

I've done a similar method, but instead of model replacement, I've replaced the texture for Tara's outfit with the demo outfit, then enabled custom textures in Dolphin.

United StatesMooseEatsBear5 years ago

Wow, these videos are super helpful. How'd you figure all these out? I've had a lot of trouble with the Sarvan and Bernden clips specifically.

United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

The Japanese version is on the Leaderboards! In fact, both I and 7thArmstrong have runs up for it. It's on the top banner under "Rune II Any%"

7thArmstrong gefällt das.
United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

After a lot of debate and discussion and experimentation with 7th and scaz, I've come to the conclusion that load times and fade to map are the main distinctions between copies of the game, console and emulator combined (aside from regional differences). The decision has been made to count submission times by manually subtracting load times and fade to map times from a submitted run. This will level the playing field, since different discs and different consoles will all effect the load times of the game, but will not impact actual gameplay whatsoever. The fade to black screens we are excluding from in this calculation will be map region transitions, and to and from cutscenes. These do not appear to be effected by the variable load times. This ruling is retroactive, applying to all previously submitted runs, and proactive, applying to all runs to be submitted in the future. I believe it's the only way to make things truly fair and test the actual skill of the player, rather than who is luckiest with their discs, console, and/or .isos.

7thArmstrong gefällt das.
United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

Version separate categories are a-go.

7thArmstrong gefällt das.
United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

Ayy we did it bois

7thArmstrong gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

I've submitted a run for the game Lost Kingdoms II. The only moderator for the game series has been offline on the website for more than a year, and hasn't streamed or uploaded any YouTube videos since that time. I can't find a twitter if they have one, and I made a forum post about an issue I have with the ruleset for the runs. I know a ton about the games and I'd like to become a supermod, if possible.

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
United StatesMooseEatsBear6 years ago

In game time runs slower on PAL 50hz with no mechanical changes to the game other than increased lifespan of cards because of the slower clock. Even if all versions were the same, part of this game's mechanics is building the deck which isn't counted on the in game timer when on the overworld. I'd like to put forth that because the timer is inconsistent across versions and does not include the vital part of the game that is deck building, it should not be used, and records should be calculated using RTA.

7thArmstrong gefällt das.
MooseEatsBear Informationen
6 years ago
Gespielte Spiele
Lost Kingdoms II
Lost Kingdoms II
Letzter Durchlauf 5 months ago
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms
Letzter Durchlauf 6 years ago
Beobachtete Spiele
Lost Kingdoms II
Lost Kingdoms II
Letzter Besuch 7 months ago
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms
Letzter Besuch 11 months ago
The Adventures of Cookie & Cream
The Adventures of Cookie & Cream
Letzter Besuch 1 year ago
Moderierte Spiele
Lost Kingdoms II
Lost Kingdoms II
Letzte Aktion 2 months ago
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms
Letzte Aktion 2 years ago