GumballForAPenny4 years ago

Just a heads up for anyone planning to do (unofficial, I guess) speedruns of Powder Rush, there is a decent chance that I will extend the track further, making the current track into just the first lap. Please tag record attempts as Powder Rush [beta]

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GumballForAPenny4 years ago

"Unfortunately, this introduced a new bug where sometimes, when falling after the very sharp turn, Thunderbird puts me inside the snow:" I made that driveline automatically without checking so it sticks into the wall, I will go over it and can fix this and reupload in an hour.

"I also found a shortcut that would be extremely hard to use, though still possible and maybe even trainable with a lot of dedication. Not sure if it is worth to fix, personally I would love it for TAS Lol." Dropping down to the level below? I wondered about that a while ago but could never pull it off. I even considered adding a fence, but I think that if you can use it, you have earned it.

Wax-stk gefällt das.
GumballForAPenny4 years ago

"Egg Hunts can be added at any time even if the track is frozen for the Mod." That's good, I might do it a little bit later than.

"Pretty harsh however if you fail somewhere in the Shortcut... You must start it over if that happens... Also not sure what is the point of rescuing when I slow down..." I agree now. Originally, my idea for the shortcut was that there were no respawns, to make it dangerous yet rewarding in a race. However, because I didn't add a driveline there, STK automatically thinks you need rescuing if you slow down. I might throw in a driveline quickly and see if you like it.

Update: Here it is, [OUTDATED, see below] files.catbox.moe/rmhva7.zip

"And of course good job for this track 😃 !" Thank you very much! I'm glad you all like it.

Wax-stk gefällt das.
GumballForAPenny4 years ago

Yep, plus I think that issue was only relevant in online matches (is the add-on version ever used online?) The only functional issue I can think of right now is if anyone has an issue with the cannons, but it looks like they are 'good enough' and not causing issues.

Wax-stk und Andet gefällt das.
GumballForAPenny4 years ago

Hi. The censored comment was a spam filter issue. Sorry about that! Unless you can see any outstanding issues, I am happy for the current version of Frozen Drive to be treated as final. If there is something you want fixed or added (Egg Hunt?) then please let me know so I can fix it before inclusion. Otherwise, I am happy for you to include this current version!

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