Wicklow, IrelandEmeraldGree4 years ago

Heres the deal. Lets be honest, we DON'T buy Dead Rising 2 to play the story. We ONLY buy Dead Rising 2 to save our lord and saviour.... Esther Alwin. She is the one and only woman of our dreams. She is the God who we pray to. She is THE ONE.

Let me explain the run... Step one: Run the game normally, you can skip cut scenes, glitch or whatever. Step two: Pick up Esther Step three: You must bring Esther to the first psychopath fight. She must be carried in and she must be alive. Step four: After you get his health below half way, you must bring Esther to the near by restaurant and eat food with her (Your first date ;3) Step Five: Be a gentleman and carry your queen back to the battle and finish the job. Step six: ABANDON VIkkie, she is not our queen, she is not the one, she is our satan. Pick up Esther and bring her to the safe house.

The run is over once you hear our one and only God Esther speak to you and say the words "Thank your for your kindness, young man" Once she has spoken, you shall stop the timer BUT ONLY when she has spoke.

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EmeraldGree Informationen
4 years ago
4 years ago