GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

Some gameplay GIFs, if anyone is interested... in the comments people said they are looking forward to see some speedruns of that game. :)


GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

Thanks a lot!! :)

CriticaL gefällt das.
GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

Btw we launched our Kickstarter campaign yesterday and it looks really promising so far. Let's hope we can actually finish making the game! :)

NihilistComedyHour und CriticaL gefällt das.
GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

As it is a racing game in it's core, we do have on screen timers and we already learned that one decimal is way to less. ;) For ILs: we call the levels "mountains" and each mountain is divided into small sections (mostly between 10-30 seconds) with varying difficulty. Once you passed the finish line of a section you will continue on the next one. However we should probably add a quick "replay last section" functionality?

GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

@JayJane4 agreed, this would be a good way, but we can't do that from a financial point of view right now. We will have an early access tier in our upcoming Kickstarter - but I am not here to sell the game. :)

@chryoyo thanks! We had about 800 players at different events (e.g. Gamescom) and it all went surprisingly well. :)

Like I said the game is a Downhill Mountain bike game, however it is not focusing on the "event/action" part, but wants you to feel like riding a bike somewhere out in the nature. You start at the top of the mountain and have to find your way down to the valley. We have relatively easy main routes, but you are free to take any shortcut you can find. No invisible walls or anything... what limits you is the physic, which will often enough through you off your bike in a not-that-peaceful-manner. ^^

The core competition is about best times, which can only be achieved if you optimize your racing line and find the most efficient shortcut, figure out where you can manage a steep drop and where you can't.

607 und JayJane4 gefällt das.
GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

Thanks! Will do that, however (as mentioned on Discord ;) ) we are still in the middle of the development and release will be next year. ^^

GermanyDrWDSo6 years ago

Hi everybody,

I'm Jan and I'm something one would probably call an "Indie developer" and we (a team of 2) are currently working on a MTB/Downhill game. The game is still in development, but we showed the prototype/pre-alpha version several times at different events and some people who played it said we should really, really tell the speedrun community about it (and they pretty much kicked our assed in our own game).

To be honest, this is something I didn't have on my radar at all. I mean of course I know what speedruns are, I love to watch them from time to time, but I didn't know how big it is!

I'd love to get your thoughts on the game... if it is something for you at all and if not, what we would add/change to improve it. I mean the game is not "designed" for speedruns, but it CAN be a lot about perfection and finding shortcuts.

Well, I really don't want to turn this into a promo post, so before writing more, it would be great to hear if you are interested at all. :)

All the best, Jan

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DrWDSo Informationen
6 years ago
6 years ago