Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae10 months ago

I'll add those.

You can still see which games you mod though?

CyanWes, YUMmy_Bacon5, und jackzfiml gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae10 months ago


There are also some changes that I don't even know if they were intended or not, like the ability as a super mod to remove any other super mods (which is totally busted and I hope this gets fixed asap)

On my end (as a super mod), trying to change a super mod to regular mod or verifier spits out an error saying you cant change their mod status. I also cannot remove them. Not sure where you are seeing this?

YUMmy_Bacon5, CyanWes, und Camcorder gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae11 months ago

Compiled a list of everything that has been found so far. Will keep this up to date.

Last updated (20/07/2023)

  • WR history graph is broken for some games or has bugs (graph not showing times properly, sub categories overlapping, no zoom function)
  • Changing the URL /guide into /guides broke a lot of manual links to guides.
  • No backwards compatibility or auto conversion to new formatting for existing guides (since the new formatting broke a lot of guides)
  • Can't edit resources/guides anymore unless you have a verified run in said game. (Note: It would be quite nice if this could be some kind of approval/reject system for mods so users without runs still have a possibility to upload resources - example is to upload an autosplitter)
  • When editing 'values' from a leaderboard, as soon as the editor goes below the regular window size, it's impossible to scroll down.
  • IL leaderboards not letting you view multiple categories at once
  • Category scope for variables still shows archived categories first in the dropdown, then level categories then full categories.
  • In the Stats page, when you change the subcategory for the Record History it throws you up to the top of the page
  • There is a full-game subcategory listed as the subcategory for all IL's. Example here: https://www.speedrun.com/avp2
  • Can't link directly to the rules for a specific category anymore.
  • Embeds don't show up in rules anymore
  • Featured runs/History are showing a +0 besides name, assuming its for the 2nd player variable being blank.
Mod Hub
  • Can no longer preview runs from the mod hub. You have specifically click the ellipsis after clicking a run.
  • When previewing a pending run in 'leaderboard' view, the verify/reject/edit buttons are quite hidden behind a vertical ellipsis. This seems quite counterintuitive seeing as in the preview from the mod hub they are clear, dedicated buttons at the top.
User profile
  • Users with too many runs on their profile won’t load their profile. Example /users/Akuretaki (Edit, it does load now but very slow)
  • Can disallow users from seeing which games you follow, but can't disallow users from seeing which users you follow.
  • Most Comments and Likes given and received have been removed from user profiles as a stat.
  • Recent runs are missing
  • Can't see which series a user moderates.
  • Can't view your own followed games in your own uer profile. Message: "User has disabled the ability to see their followed games." Example: Daravae - Following - Speedrun
  • In user theme settings, the little trashcan icon for deleting a background background image is hovering behind the foreground image.
  • Lots of duplicate notifications after a run was verified
  • No more day mode (just dark mode) (Please consider accessibility)
  • The game's cover, unless it's a very specific size, is now cropped and broken.
  • Names of games are cut off in the box art list
  • Followed game page doesn't show the game name on the second line
  • Badge and supporter icon can vary a lot in size (one may be a lot bigger/smaller than the other - looks strange combined)
  • The Games dropdown at the top of the site is no longer sortable.
  • On mobile, long sentences in forum posts go outside of their intended borders.
  • Formatting goes outside of its intended borders in forum posts
  • On the Forums page there's a notification icon for followed games at the bottom that have no threads and can't get rid of it
  • Pagination seems strange sometimes. For example (at the moment of writing) in this thread there are 7 pages. In order to return to page 2, you have to first click page 3 (since Page 2 shows as "...") but there is more than enough space in this element to make page 2 available instantly without this happening.
  • [Mobile] Trying to make text Bold and Italic at the same time in the text editor only results in text becoming Bold even though Italic is highlighted. Though after saving changes it does show up correctly in the edited text.
  • (Fixed) Bilibili embeds no longer seem to work.
  • (Fixed) When editing a verified run and re-verify it, randomly 1ms would be subtracted from your run time after verification.
  • (Fixed) Millisecond precision display seems broken
  • (Fixed) Can't leave group chats
  • (Fixed) When creating forum posts, the X button is not pressable in order to dismiss the dialog
  • (Fixed) Whenever you refresh the page briefly loads the default theme first, then loads the actual theme.
  • (Fixed) Notifications don't seem to be getting automatically marked as read after checking them right now.
  • (Fixed) Blank variables are auto filled in now with the primary timing method time
  • (Fixed) Default values for subcategories that are level-specific are not respected. For example, in Cuphead most levels have a Simple / Regular / Expert variable with Regular being the default. However, Simple shows for all of these from the level overview.
  • (Fixed) Clicking the second page of "Followed games" (https://www.speedrun.com/users/diggity/following?page=1&view=games) takes you to the second page of "Followed users" (https://www.speedrun.com/users/diggity/following?page=2&view=users)
  • (Fixed) Article comments show up to only 20 comments even though there can be many comments.
  • (Fixed) No verification buttons when viewing a pending run in the full board view. You have to go back to the mod hub and press the ellipsis button to find the buttons.
  • (Fixed) The splits.io field appears to be missing from run submissions/editing
  • (Fixed) When trying to approve a run on mobile, it will switch to rejecting the run instead. The only way to get around this is to flip your phone around horizontally.
  • (Fixed) Times on leaderboards and profiles can sometimes show * besides them to denote load-removed time of IGT, but it also happens with just real-time runs.
  • (Fixed) Can't see a list of all users that liked a specific post anymore
  • (Fixed) Can no longer tag users in posts/forums (no notification - just a tag to link to their profile)
  • (Fixed) Can edit posts from other users in forums from games you moderate. Though changes arent saved after pressing "Save".**
  • (Fixed) Can now see rejected runs of every game by filtering runs on "Rejected" on every board**
  • (Fixed) Can delete all runs again as a mod (not just reject**)
  • (Fixed) Can't see user's last online activity anymore**
  • (Fixed) Can't edit runs anymore as a verifier**
  • (Fixed) Can pin every thread in the forums**
  • (Fixed) Autoverify runs from mods after submitting is on by default for every board.**
  • (Fixed) Can no longer delete forum posts in forum threads of modded games. It deletes the post but refresh and its back again. (Can however still lock the thread)
  • (Fixed) Editing guides can spit out an error saying "Text is too long".**
  • (Fixed) Formatting broke from a lot of existing text guides.**
  • (Fixed) Server error when editing categories such as "Any%" etc.
  • (Fixed) Run submitter is overwrited after verification
  • (Fixed) Runs with no run date appear as "never".
  • (Fixed) YouTube social links on user profiles seem to be completely broken now.
Grapevine, gfmidway und 12 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae11 months ago

The WR history of DOOM (2016) is borked. Only shows 4 runs from 4 days after release in which the fastest run is 00m00s.

Thats very fast.

Grapevine, Ivory, und YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae11 months ago

It seems like this option is turned on for all boards by default now. (At least, it was turned on for all the boards I moderate. From other mods I asked it was also on for their boards). Seems a bit risky seeing as how a lot of communities still like to have runs from mods be verified by other mods.

NetherlandsDaravae11 months ago


Moochyy_ gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago


What you are proposing isn't just something easily put together by the site. There are always the possible legal implications to look out for when dealing with volunteers performing unpaid work for profit companies (in this case, Elo). Especially in America, this seems like something to look out for.

That said, the Discord server you made that takes claims... It seems like an act of goodwill but it also causes confusion since it pretends it can take claims from banned users and also claims it can clarify what the reason behind their ban is. How do you even accomplish such a thing if the ban reason is never even made public? Just sounds you are making assumptions since you aren't site staff.

That said, why do you have such an icon next to your name? Trying to impersonate staff?

jackzfiml und Act_ gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

That's a step in the right direction. Thanks.

Elo already uses blob storage for the pictures used in News posts.. but then storage is suddenly an issue for pictures in guides and posts? Why not just use blob storage for user and theme assets? It's insanely scalable and with hot/cool tiers, it can be used very efficiently if thought out properly.

Speaking of which, if 'potential storage costs' are really too much (how exactly?) then I think Elo should first review how they prioritize and handle image uploads to the site first. Why not look into making changes into that system first?

Let's talk about that for a minute. A portion of storage is dedicated solely to backgrounds used in both leaderboard and user profile themes and for profile pictures which, as good as they look, are still just aesthetics. Why are there no resources being allocated as part of storing important info, like pictures for guides/posts? The site needs to prioritize where it allocates its resources to. Right now it just sounds like we'd fancy good looking pfps and background over having pictures in important guides and posts.

For example, you can still upload .png's to every part of the site.. Why? Apart from transparency, they can grow significantly larger in size than .jpeg's. Why not convert all of them to .jpeg and restrict the site to have backgrounds and pfps use jpegs? Then keep the SRC transparent logo and badges and other very small stuff to use transparency only. Why is a 400x400 profile picture only being displayed in 100x100 on the forums? What point is there to upload a 400x400 pfp then? Elo should really think about where they can optimize their existing resources better on this site.

Right now, users are SPOF's when creating guides or posts using linked images. If one user deletes their account from an external site used to upload and link images from on to SRC, that content is potentially entirely gone, depending on where they uploaded and what the image deletion policy of that site is. That is bad and shouldn't be possible.

Then there is the legality. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know the ins and outs of that stuff, but I do know that the site already allow uploads of pfps and backgrounds, and with that, there's already always a chance of potential inappropriate content. So with that: The site is already carrying the legal burden of what content is being uploaded. So why would that be different for images in posts/guides compared to pfps and backgrounds? The only difference would be that it would be additional moderation, but generally speaking, the site is growing and should get better equipped with the proper tools to deal with this kinda stuff rather than have humans moderate this content. Something that has been an issue ever since the site exists.

shenef, DrSeek und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

I don't understand why SRC has to rely so much on third party services for this and there is no direct upload to the site for pictures in guides and posts yet? We can already directly upload pictures to the site for profile pictures and things for themes. What is the difference with not having it available for guides and posts? Elo hosts multiple sites. Surely they have the capacity available to allow pictures to be stored on SRC directly for guides and posts. Why not limit it strictly to .jpegs and a file maximum for example..

Some of these third party providers mentioned in the above post are quite unclear in their image deletion policies. Gyazo for example states "should be extremely reliable long-term", others say "unlimited" but remember that these TOS are all subject to change. These can all end like imgur at some point.

RaggedDan, Meta, und Ivory gefällt das.
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Hey everyone!

The Modern DOOM Speedrunning community is excited to announce that submissions for MDSR Summer ’23 are OPEN and will close on April 22nd! Have a fun speedrun or challenge run you would like to showcase?

Although we prefer DOOM or similar FPS games, submissions are also open to other games and modded content!

MDSR Summer ’23 will be a 2x12 hour fundraising speedrun marathon streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/moderndoomspeedrunning from May 20th to May 21st.

All donations will go towards the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, which provides 24/7, free and confidential support to those in crisis and for suicide prevention.

You can submit your run by visiting https://oengus.fun/MDSRSummer and selecting "Submit runs", and filling in the required details.

Join the MDSR Events Discord for marathon updates! https://discord.gg/yuQRFXs4cG

We appreciate and look forward to your submissions!

Ivory, Act_ und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

This is a 7-year old bug: https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/thread/onfz6/9#qpsuf and occurs sometimes during various site actions. It would probably be useful to report this to the Support hub including things like what browser, timestamp and action you tried to perform so site staff can investigate this further.

jackzfiml gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Speaking out of experience, IP banning is almost entirely useless and creates a ton of extra overhead for administrators. You'd also have to be blocking ranges which might also work against the site because blocking a range means any other valid user with an IP address in that range can't use their account too. But more importantly, any person with a small amount of knowledge on how a VPN works can easily circumvent an IP ban. You can probably see why IP bans are not a great way of handling bans. Neither is MAC-address banning. Yes, they might make things slightly more annoying for banned users, but the extra overhead and annoyances of maintaining said info probably are a bigger headache than the poor benefits it provides. The reality is that there just aren't good ways of dealing with ban evasions.

Zanon, ShikenNuggets und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: High on Life
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Discord is linked here. Click the Discord icon at the top of the leaderboard here.

heny und CreeperHntr gefällt das.
Thread: DOOM Eternal
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago


From the rules:

Macros and Game Modification - Runners may not use any kind of macro or game modification (including modifications that are solely cosmetic) other than the following community sanctioned ones.

This also means visual mods are not allowed. I don't know how you can disable those. It depends on what and how you installed them. Easiest way would be to reinstall the game.

Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Pay in WR's when.

jackzfiml, Pear, und cheg gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

[quote=YUmmy_Bacon5]@Daravae sorry, I meant what was the site under @Pac like?[/quote]

I see, although that's a little different than what you mentioned before since stating that Pac didn't say or do anything for months as a rhetorical question is just spreading misinformation about things you aren't sure about.

[quote=YUmmy_Bacon5]Although, I can kinda guess, from when I first joined the site, what it was like. That his features were alright but weren't built for mass scale. e.g., Using arrows for variable sorting and site staff saying that this site isn't built for the load it gets today[/quote]

Since I already replied here before, let's just answer this properly I guess.. As someone who's been on site staff for almost 2 years, I can definitely answer this properly:

First of all, it's a common misconception that Pac build everything. He did not. Features were also build by other admins. But it's very important to understand that back when Pac ran the site, all the people on site staff were just volunteers. Pac knew this and that's why he deliberately tried not to put unnecessary pressure on site staff. Even site admins were just volunteers creating features for the site in their spare time, unpaid.

If there was no time or no motivation, there would be no changes or new features. If a feature was created for the site but failed meet the demands of the majority of the site needs or expectations (e.g. features that weren't scalable as the site grew), there was no higher management/directive to ensure that it would. It was just a bunch of volunteers trying to make the best out of it with limited time and resources. It would be unreasonable to expect otherwise.

A lot of the questions you have can also be read by simply reading Pac's goodbye post properly. He summed up the state of the site before the transition very well there.

Moving on to Elo. From what Pac also mentioned in his goodbye post and also what @RaggedDan mentioned, I do think he really tried his best to ensure the site would be put in hands of a decent company and I think he succeeded. Elo definitely wasn't familiar in the speedrunning scene before buying the site and it showed sometimes but, the site runs and there are new features and fixes dropped occasionally. But Elo is also a company. A company out there to be profitable and earn money from the sites they own. There's no way getting around that. Does that mean SRC is in worse hands? Difficult question to answer. Would you rather have a company that actually can spend time, money and resources on a site so it can see some growth or would you have a site in a dormant state owned by a single person unable to create change due to the lack of motivation, money and resources?

Now to answer the last part of your post. Don't think choosing Elo is the 'wrong' option at all. The features Pac and co. created were decent → for its time. It met some demands of the community back then. But as he also mentioned, he didn't anticipate the insane growth and was unable to keep up with the demands of the community.

Coming back to the last part of your post, if we are strictly talking about design.. then I'd say even now, Elo also made some poor design decisions. Hiding misc categories behind an additional expandable arrow, different fonts used across the board, terrible usage of ads. The main difference here however is that with a company behind it, it can now actually be changed/fixed. There are people actively working on the site. Additionally, we also have a great community manager that serves as the bridge between the community and the people behind the site.

Finally, it's difficult to compare features that were released back then to features released now by different people with different directives and different goals and scale in mind. But at least we can now hold one of them accountable now and the ball will actually (hopefully) start rolling when that happens.

Gaming_64, TRLittleToaster und 9 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

No need to be rude. You are a pretty low level troll anyway.

Gaming_64, Ivory und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Yeah, that's what I am saying. It's not true. Was I not clear?

Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Talk
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

[quote=YUMmy_Bacon5]But apparently @Pac would go months without saying or doing anything?[/quote]

This isn't true at all.

Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll und 6 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago
  1. [quote=Act]Warpless - Complete the game with using warps as fast as possible.[/quote]

Isn't "Warpless" without the use of warps?

  1. Here are the positions of the former staff list, including some names that you missed in your post, and also people that Elo forgot in their contributors list.

@Daravae , @ShikenNuggets , @Liv , @Dangerless , @Gyoo , @ShadowDraft , @Habreno , @R0main - FMod @Sjorec , @Oh_DeeR , @Seydie , @Tech , @garadas21 , @Meta , @starsmiley , @DarQ - CMod @kirkq - Admin (Planning) @SgtKabukiman - Admin (mostly handling backend/servers) @Volvagia - Admin (Coding/Planning)

Few of them were already inactive when I joined and I am probably missing some people.

Gaming_64, Ivory und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Daravae Informationen
dumb DARK SOULS/DOOM Speedrunner 🏁
7 years ago
Gespielte Spiele
Letzter Durchlauf 2 years ago
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
Letzter Durchlauf 2 months ago
DOOM Category Extensions
DOOM Category Extensions
Letzter Durchlauf 2 years ago
Letzter Durchlauf 7 years ago
Letzter Durchlauf 9 months ago
Unreal Tournament 3
Unreal Tournament 3
Letzter Durchlauf 4 years ago
Dark Souls III Category Extensions
Dark Souls III Category Extensions
Letzter Durchlauf 6 years ago
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
Letzter Durchlauf 1 year ago
Moderierte Spiele
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
Letzte Aktion 1 month ago
Letzte Aktion 1 year ago
Dark Souls III Category Extensions
Dark Souls III Category Extensions
Letzte Aktion 4 months ago
Unreal Tournament 3
Unreal Tournament 3
Letzte Aktion 8 months ago
Letzte Aktion 2 months ago
DOOM Category Extensions
DOOM Category Extensions
Letzte Aktion 1 year ago
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Letzte Aktion 5 months ago