CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

where is what ?

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

when you tap an aim key for a moment every like 1.5 seconds apart to fool the game for your stamina to deplete a lot slower . look at our glitchless runs . you will see it . once you get the gun of course

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

i lowered the resolution the OBS records at and it helped . yes , looks like it was due do poor pc but , there were weird crashes before too and that whole chapter was always the biggest candidate for a crash ...

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

can't do a proper speedrun anymore because the game crashes every time around that portion . when entering the theatre or maybe a bit later , doesn't matter , it's like clockwork ...

i deleted the game and installed it again but yet , it is the same thing >_>

does someone have any better advises ? i hate it because i was gaining few minutes on my run and then , boom , every time . one hour of gameplay down the drain .

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

opa ! i would like to see a new name in top 3 . although i would curse you for making me 4th then .

but trust me , it's a very hard job . getting around 2 hours seems almost impossible. and i can't quite figure it out why yet .because i am doing runs with almost no big mistakes . would need to see side by side maybe. every second here and there counts . but the difference between me and 1st time is around 7 minutes. something is wrong there !

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

sweet mother of hell ... just had awesome time and as i was entering the Theatre the game crashed . goodbye my good splits ... worst thing ever for a speedrunner >_<

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

yeah . i dont feel comfortable with stamina manipulation being glitchless but i didn't feel like there was too much interest on debating it . i know it isn't maybe technically a glitch but still glitchless runs should look more clean , without any mechanic abuses ...

and there really were some approved runs which had skips ? that kinda sucks . i know it is time consuming but then , maybe other people could help too .

TheBritishRunner gefällt das.
CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

could you be more specific . for me who reads this for he first time I have no clue what you are saying ... I can only assume it has something to do with the deleted thread ... i admit , I hate deleted threads , threads should only be locked , never deleted . doesn't really put out good vibes and a feel of democracy and transparency ...

TheBritishRunner gefällt das.
CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

aha . I tried it . it's a lot of fun . for the most part different but stefano and myra are the biggest changes ... definitely worth it . you also can have luck or not . there is maybe more aiming needed . but time on the end , IGT was surprisingly similar to regular runs , I guess I did have more of a luck than bad luck on the practice run .

too bad it won't become an official thing . but hopefully someone gives a crack at it just for the kicks ...

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

ok , so my latest and probably the final casual glitchless any % run is 2:08:20 and without stamina manipulation I doubt I can ever get close to second place of like 2:02:00 .

so , what new and fun ways to occupy ? thought that it could be official or at least for the kicks , that we do the run with a pistol only throughout the whole game ! only time you would to use the bow is to open the doors to garage to marrow !

what you think ? would surely require a completely new strategies which I would enjoy to watch as we come up with them ...

P.S : so it's agreed stamina manipulation is considered glitchless ?

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

I managed to get it to work somehow today . thanks to Besta Fera , the current No1 on our leaderboard ... I am uploading the run as we speak ...

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

i'll try to defragment the game's folder and setup the damn load removal timer I managed to get it working somehow yesterday but my splits were not setup properly ... I made two splits , chapter 1 start and chapter 17 end . but it automatically ended I think on start of chapter 2 . which i don't understand , since there isn't automatic splits available ... I could really use a hand with this livesplit setup for TEW2 specifically ...

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

I can make 2:15:33 time when speedruning and my IGT says that time but I know with load removal it would be a lot better . my pc is slow and mediocre-ish so that's not helping .

I tried but i failed to set up the livesplit correctly with the load removal option , and anyhow at all ...

few questions , if you name your split , chapter 7 , do you have to manually press a hotkey or the livesplit will automatically do it for you ? how many splits you must have ? what must be the name of your final split etc etc !

I really appreciate it !

some nice and slow video tutorial if possible would be nice ... if not , a slideshow will do !

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

i am new here too so , not sure if there are some resources . but check the game board then the general one . at least some experienced members will help set you up

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

welcome . this game is really speedrun friendly . i started with DLC , the Executioner where i hold the world record currently. evil within is great . quite easy to master and remember . before going into serious runs . play the game yourself few times to get familiar . then watch every run . i am 5th i think currently and posted my run too . evert speedruner here has dome different tricks how he/she handles few areas and you will have to come up with your own stuff as well or accept one of already established tactics .

make sure you know which path to take as this still makes troubles for me sometimes . i put marker on map sometimes loo , and that takes away your time ...

practice makes perfect !

BroDoMeAFlavor gefällt das.
CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

omg . yeah . no wonder why my times suck. but will definitely sacrifice my :/C and install game there ... it's an SSD with puny 128 GBs ...

BUT , if i submit a run , what time do mods take in consideration then ?

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

at least there is an in game timer ... most fair way ...

CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

was watching some speedrun today , and the guy had a lot of mistakes and spent time yet, the final time was better than mine. i have older pc and run at 30 fps all minimum .

i wonder just how much does better hardware and fps help you . my loadings suck too , also , i noticed some dialogues need a lot more to be skipped than at some people's runs ...

i bet that having a 60 fps in game and have it on SSD would have an impact

Thread: The Site
CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

oh well . i guess i forgot about internets behaviour. i thought members here are civil though ? the comments should be allowed to registered users only

NihilistComedyHour gefällt das.
CroatiaBull_the_Great6 years ago

maybe stamina manipulation . I don't like that one either . but they also mentioned some ladders being skipped . i doubt it can be that bad to just fall down and not take the ladders ...

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