Thread: L.A. Noire
Oregon, USABinaryDragon2 years ago

Sorry I didn't see this until now. I believe we've been keeping all the runs on the same boards, regardless of original vs remaster. If you have any questions about that, the best place to ask is probably on the Discord server (https://discord.gg/CD6AXkd). I'm also in there and would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the 100% route, assuming you're still interested in it.

Tom_Cat gefällt das.
Oregon, USABinaryDragon4 years ago

Alfredo, did you discuss this with any of the runners before deciding it? In the Discord server there has been discussion about how to handle the remasters, and no overall consensus has yet been reached while we evaluate how faithful the emulation is, though the discussion does seem to be leaning towards allowing the remasters on the original leaderboards provided that the emulation is faithful.

It doesn't make sense to ban a version of the game because it is capable of something which is already technically possible in other currently accepted versions, rather than simply modifying the rules to clarify that L+R is not allowed regardless of version, which is what the listing for the Genesis version did. It's also especially not cool to make rules changes without discussing the matter with the rest of the community.

I'd like to request that you revert this change until such time that a consensus in the community is found, at which point that consensus decision can be added to the rules.

Sarabi, Estacaco, und Nichole gefällt das.
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