Thread: Marble Race
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Not sure, just asking an innocent question. If i knew anything I would post it here. GL on beating my WR, gonna push tonight for any% deathless, which should end up being sub 2 :)

Thread: Marble Race
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

I was wondering why you chose to rely on the in-game timer instead of a usual timer for the IL, i understand that it can be more convenient to use the in-game timer, but I have also found that the in-game timer can be manipulated.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

It will be in the competive update. Not sure when it's comingout, but if you're a beta tester it should be pretty soon. Not sure of exact positions but he said they will be in the 2nd and 3rd level.

Thread: Marble Race
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

I'm pretty sure there is a much larger glitch than just starting the level early. I was practing some levels and when you look at the in-game leaderboard you'll see times like 0 or even negative numbers, not sure exactly how these times were obtained, but just wanted to inform you that you might want to rewrite the rules depending on whether you want that to be possible.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Seems like an interesting idea, but not sure how relevant it will be with the new patch in a few weeks that will add posion Dagger as a guaranteed drop.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Sadly there is no other way to obtain improved Jumpman. Light Dagger is currently a random drop, but neither Light Dagger nor Steelblow Ring is completely necessary, their only use is to make the skip on 25 more consistent. Ideally you won't need to grab anything from the bank except for Gayan and Improved Jumpman. As far as coin grinds go I suggest 22 it's good practice and can get you about 11k in 30 secs.

drgrumble gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

The beast skip involves jumping off screen at the end of level 29, and triggering ending the level, it works similarly to wizard skip on level 30.

As far as dying during cutscenes go, I've tested it on level 13, not possible. However it's certainly possible I might have missied something.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

I've played around with level 4 a lot, and it is definitely possible to make it "seem" like she is skipping the enemies, however in reality it is much slower than killing them yourself, about 20 Secs. It is certainly possible that I missed something, but in my opinion the best way we could skip the level would be if we found a way to early exit the level (ie. Beast skip on 29)

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Yeah I've spent weeks trying to get pass the cut scenes on level 13 and 27 due to the fact that they seem like they should be skip able, but their trigger is a lot higher than that of other levels. The only suggestion I have for skipping cut scenes right now is that we might try to figure out exactly why we can skip the cut scene on level 18, and attempt to apply that knowledge to those levels.

Cheylis gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Interesting, guess I'll just have to keep playing with it. Which skips are you working on, I'd be interested in helping break this game any way I can.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

There aren't any particular levels that need it, just that some levels might become a bit cleaner with it. But as far as testing, I specifically have been trying to replicate what you did on level 1 and 6 because both of those jumps we're significantly higher than I originally thought possible and could lead to some interesting re-routing ie easier skips.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Interesting, looking forward to it. BTW after spending about an hour trying to replicate your tech I still haven't been able to jump as high as you, would you mind explaining how you are getting so much jump height?

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Throughout my own runs and after watching Cheylis's run I've noticed a few minor glitches that could be potential time saves.

High Jumping - In a few areas, primarily in the early levels, Cheylis was able to jump a lot higher than I had thought possible, this could change up the routing slightly specifically regarding whether we actually need to push the box in level 2.

Weird Hitboxes - Throughout Cheylis's run there were a few times where certain sprites hit boxes seem to be smaller than they would appear to be ie. making very precise jumps over zombies on levels 2 & 3, I'm not sure why those enemies act that way, nor if they are the only enemies that act that way, but it certainly has potential for exploitation. Just something to keep your eye out for.

Exiting levels early - Specifically, you can escape level 29 without killing the beast by making a precise jump into an off-screen hit box that registers that you are supposed to end the level. This is specifically important for level 4, because if we find a way to exit level 4 without having to kill all of the zombies, we could save a rather significant amount of time.

Congrats on WR Cheylis, hope to take it back soon. Good luck on your runs everyone.

drgrumble und Cheylis gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

I just heard back from Andre the developer of Magic Rampage and wanted to share the amazing news he gave me

The loot system is absolutely randomised, though there are rarer items than others, there is no way to determine which items should drop when.

However, if this is something that adds so much to the speed running gameplay, I am willing to add fixed drop spots (maybe in any secret area) for both Poisoned Dagger and the Light Dagger in the first few levels (among any of the first 7 levels perhaps). What are your thoughts? BTW I've seen the boss skip glitches but I decided not to fix that so the speed running community has these elements to play with.

Will update the forum when the items are officially added, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up

drgrumble und Cheylis gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Thanks, just sent him an email about the item drops, will let you know if I learn anything interesting.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

What did you use to contact the Dev, I would like to ask him a few Questions about the way the game calculates the RNG for it's item drops.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Hello everybody, I just wanted to create this thread to help those, like myself, who intend on streaming their Magic Rampage speed runs, so that anyone can easily find their streams

Personally, my schedule for the next few months, starting today, is to stream Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6pm - 8 pm. In addition to these streams I also intend on creating some video tutorials explaining some of the harder tricks in the game. I hope to see you tonight, and feel free to post your own schedule if you intend to stream this game

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Dr. Grumble is correct, I use Floating speed-run timer to time my runs. For recording I use DU recorder.

Although it obviously depends upon what phone you have, I like DU recorder because of how easy it is to Stream with. Not sure what options are available for IOS, but pretty much any screen recorder should work, as long as it can capture the entire run.

Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Obtaining Gayan is rather simple, I'm not sure exactly what level it is, but Gayan is a pickup from a cutscene in one of the extra levels somewhere between level 36 and 39. If you have any other questions feel free to ask, looking forward to your runs.

Cheylis gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAB1aZ3n6 years ago

Over the last few weeks I've been trying to find a way to manipulate the RNG, because it is possible to obtain the Posioned Dagger as an enemy drop during the first few levels, Sadly I haven't been able to find anything consistent yet but just wanted to let you know that there was still an large 3± minutes time save available. Good luck on your runs

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