All the skips in the game?
6 years ago

I want a list of all the skips known. Here is a list of skips I discovered so far: In the second stage, you can skip the wall-jump sections if you land a jump-kick right The elevator skip The one outside if you land a jump-kick just right at a platform, boosting you up risky Are there any more I missed?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Ok i just found something out On the third stage (the one before the elevator) you can do a small skip that allows you to save a slight bit of time If you time a jump just right, you can clip through the platform (the one supported by 2 pillars where you first start) and teleport through them so, yea, that's pretty nifty. I don't think that this will be used that much as the time saved isn't that high and it's a difficult trick to pull off, but its there.

North Carolina, USA

Actually, stage three platform skip isn't useful. We can't keep our momentum through it. It doesn't save any time, in fact it probably LOSES time.

If we could keep momentum through it, though, it would be useful.

Typhlotion likes this

There's one kinda obsolete one that might actually be useful In stage 2, if instead of clipping through the wall in the final part of the level (the second wall-jump part), you go the platform that you would normally use if you were playing without glitches, if you do a jump-kick correctly, you can go to the top of the wall-jump section and skip the wall-jump. It takes a while to pull it off but its there.

North Carolina, USA

That does seem useful, it would definitely improve time over the world record.

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The only problem is, I'm not 100% sure it can be done without going to the platform to the right of the wall-jump section. If you can do it without doing that, I think you could save a bit of time, although I personally haven't done it. In one of my submitted runs, I think I actually pulled it off from the platform to the right.


I found a definitive way to skip the second wall-jump section. This method isn't theoretical or only achievable by a TAS, but its a fully functioning, working method that can save about 3 seconds if done right. Ill show it off in my next speed run and post a guide on how to perform it. I'm shooting for a sub-50 on my next run.

I'm aware that standing below the low-hanging vertical wall and jumping up while defocusing will, in particular conditions, clip you in and eject you out with enough force to fly up to the exit. In the most favorable scenario this will save 2 seconds over my run though; did you find something else?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

What do you mean by "Defocusing"? If you mean ctrl-tabbing, then yea, that's what I mean. You can use that in conjunction with the skip to the 2nd wall-jump section (that I never figured out how to do) to save a good amount of time. It's actually quite consistent, though - it's about timing the ctrl-tab at the right moment. If defocus refers to some other obscure term, though, I'm not sure what you mean. Also, if there are grammatical mistakes in any of my posts, i apologize. Grammarly isn't working well for me.