HMC star (just starting have some questions)
7 years ago

Hi I am new to speedruning and am trying to learn sm64ds 8 star but I can't fluter jump up to get the first star of the run. Also how do you record your runs. I play on a 3ds

Colorado, USA

so to record your runs you will need a game capture card installed to your 3ds. If i were you I would buy a ds pre-installed with a capture card not a 3ds cause that's expensive XD or you can just have one put into your 3ds for like half the price but you know sometimes having a private one is good. I ordered a capture card ds lite and it records your runs. and for a good timer I recommend LiveSplit. It is very simple to configure and customize.

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Thanks I'm kind of a newb

Also if anyone could explain to me how to get the hazy maze cave star. (The first star of the run) I would really appreciate it


You have to build up a dash while standing still, then jump still on the first jump, then move forward on the second jump. this gives you more height and distance than anything else with yoshi. Also you have to slow yourself down at the right time during the double jump, because otherwise you might either go under the platform, or not reach it. if you aren't comfortable with this, you can just do both sunshine isle and 1 of the slide stars (normally we only do 1 or the other). This doesn't lose much time at all really.

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