badly recorded run
3 years ago
United States

I have very bad equipment and recorded a few runs. I sent them off, all not in the top 5 and stayed within the guidelines. They do not have audio, and are very hard to see, but still able to see. Will they still be verified?

United States

As long as you can see what's happening I think they should be verified

Edited by the author 3 years ago
StrikerArrow likes this

As long as the recording is good enough (i.e. 15+ FPS framerate) then it should be verified. The audio rule only applies to runs in either fast mode or a highscore run which top 5 within the category as a countermeasure for anyone trying to speed up or alter footage. The run will be rejected should run fall under such circumstances

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Ok. It is over 15fps, and the thing I was concerned about was the blurriness. They did not have a timer but I self-timed them afterwards. Thanks!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Basque Country

@LilJapKid which is the diference betwen fast mode or a highscore and the rest to just apply in those 2?


It was a concensus that the moderation teams decided around a month ago. We determined that cheated highscore runs and fast mode runs are easier to pass off as genuine, so sound is required to ensure there was no editting involved in the run.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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From now on the ingame timer, aqcuired by pressing t, is required for all runs. This includes speedrun and highscore runs. Your run will no longer be verified if the video only has audio.

10 months ago
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