Any% uhc in 6m 30s by

I made a few critical errors throughout this run but overall its pretty solid. If I played for another hour or two i could probably bring it down to 6:20. I do not think this game is worth speedrunning as most of this speedrunning is obama talking. Hell this run is a 5:30 if it wasn't for the entire last minute speech. I fucked up phase 9 by grabbing the first 2x damage boost about 5 seconds to early, this probably cost me 10 seconds of time.

Major tricks to note: Lightning Bug, having two instances of left click at once allows you to stack unlimited no mana using attacks. This cannot hit the big 4 hands phase 9 or the 2 big hands phase 8.

Phase 7: Grab a speed boost at the start of the phase if possible, with the lightning bug your damage is capped by how fast you get to the hands.

Phase 9: You can skip all the floating obama prisms if you kill the head fast enough, do not let them spawn. Focus on the green hands first as they can end your run by removing the entire map. Purple hands alone basically cannot kill you.

Potential: I had a run where I killed phase 5 and it started phase 6 early due to some dialog bug, this can potentially save time but I have not investigated to much.

I would say this game with this category can be cut down to 6 minutes maybe 5 minutes 45 seconds.

Any% uhc
Erster Platz
Load Removed Time
6m 30s
Real Time Attack
6m 30s
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago