Moved Runs and Future Changes
1 year ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago
  • Moved Runs - Apologies for being so late to this, but I have moved all the recent Anna Farmhouse glitch runs to the Category Extension since the method used has been removed from the game. You can find them here:

  • Future Changes - Since it has been suggested by players for quite a long time, we have decided to merge Normal and Hard runs into one category due to the fact that there is little different between the two difficulties and to reduce the amount of overall categories the game has. This will gradually take place over the next week or two.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to join our Discord server ( or message a moderator here.

I wish all of you a great Christmas and upcoming New Year!

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New Disconnection Rule

After some discussion, we have come to the conclusion that disconnecting from the game during a run, in order to pass keys to another player (which are always received by the game's host), should be allowed as a valid strategy. Reconnecting once you have left, however, **will result in your run

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