9 months ago
Virginia, USA

I tried routing this game for a few minutes before refunding, but just so you know you can use HL1/Quake bhops. You can also remove friction from the ground by crouching or something. That's the fastest way to move, but it's still really frustrating

Bearbeitet von der Autor 9 months ago
chouchou gefällt das.
United States

thank you for the info! We are aware of the bhop tech. We found launching yourself with an object when you can is more beneficial in runs! Also found in castle level when you limit frames to 30, the ai bugs and its way easier to navigate after launching to the back of the map without insta dying to all the enemies.

United States

as well, brushing against the wall and strafing builds up over maximum speed as well so maybe incorporating that with the bhops would be good

Virginia, USA

oh ok gotcha. Have you tried the frictionless movement? Also, I think the bhops builds more speed than brushing up against the wall. lmk if you make a discord

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Veröffentlicht 9 months ago
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