Console Load Time Segments Template
Console Load Time Segments Template
Updated 4 years ago by Slevanas

Mine may differ from yours but I found the ones not in bold to be consistent. The bold ones are ideal splitting points for segments during a run. Only exception is Boom because of how short and meaningless the split is.

Act 1 Total 00:29 Act 1 Start Load 00:18 Professor 00:11

Act 2 Total 1:20 Act 1 End 00:21 Door Load 00:03 Bike Load 00:05 Cable Car 00:18 BOOM 00:14 Ladder Load 00:13 Ledge Load 00:06

Act 3 Total 1:15 Act 2 End 00:15 Driving 00:15 Tall Statue Load 00:03 Facade 00:17 Sewers Load 00:05 Selena Gomez 00:20

Act 4 Total 0:14 Act 3 End 00:13 Cable Car Load 00:01

Act 5 Total 1:07 Act 4 End 00:22 Building Load 00:03 Sewers Load 00:08 Find a way to Governors Mansion Load 00:09 Governor's Mansion 00:10 RIP Selena Gomez 00:15

Act 6 Total 1:45 Act 5 End 00:58 Tundra Lift Load 00:08 Infiltration Lift Load 00:08 Infiltration Lift Load II 00:11 Military Industrial Complex Hallway Load 00:04 Before Useable Canon 00:02 Prescott's Office 00:14

Overall Loads 6:10

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