All Events High Score Guide
All Events High Score Guide
Updated 3 years ago by arnaud33200

listing the different strategies and score information for each event

I haven't done any research yet, but I draft some ideas & hypotheses


Half Pipe

Goals: get at least a score of 10 001 and die quickly

You can get more point if you hold left or right longer, but not too long or the skateboarder will fall. For a safe strategy, smashing left or right while in the air, it's garantee to do the arial turn but with less chance of getting big points.

over 10 000 point can be done on the first try / session:

  • Always get the max speed: hold down when he goes down, and hold up when he goes up.
  • starts with 4 Hand Plants, to increase the speed quicker and get some fast point (500 - 700). after 4, it's getting kind of too fast to do it properly since it requires to hold the button 2 for a right time.
  • after that just keep doing Arial Turns until the score reach 10 000 (550 - 950)
  • to die quickly after getting all the points, smashing button 2 to do an Hand Plant and fail
  • finish with 2 deaths, same as Any%

Foot Bag

Goals: get at least a score of 35 001 and wait for the timer Because there is no way to "die", there are many way to have the high score, the runner can have fun:

  • Same trick over again: either do the off screen catch (easy) or the doda stunt (5000 but tricky)
  • Bonus Point: doing a number of different stunt and complete with some bonus points. for instance do the 6 highest stunt will give 14 000 points + 21 000 bonus points. There are many combinations.
  • All The Stunt: do all the 11 stunts and you are the coolest!!!

More details about the points in California Games Manuel PDF


Goals: get at least a score of 5.6 and die quickly

This is tricky because the final score will only show up at the end, so we cannot keep track of it during the run. There are 3 way of getting points:

  • Tubes: staying behind the wave line (max 2.5 points)
  • Turns: going up and down (max 2.5 points)
  • Jumps: jump out of the wave and landing properly (max 2.5)
  • Stays on the board: get 0.1 points every 6s (max 1.5) Total max = 9.0

So far I found that it's possible to get 5.6 pretty quickly

  • at the start do a full loop to be in the tube quickly to do up and down to stay in the tube until the timer reached 1:10 (20s in the tube). Doing some up and down turns will allow to keep the right speed to stay in the tube and get some "Turns" points
  • Now the speed is good enough to do 5 medium jumping while staying at the top of the wave as much as possible
  • Once the jumps are done, we can just keep dying until the score screen


Goals: get at least a score of 1001 and die quickly You get points every time you pass an obstacles without falling or crashing. depends on the obstacle, you get between 10 and 30 point every time you pass one. Jumping over the verticall axe of this obstacle, you will get 2x point, spin jump will be 4x.

The strat is clear, spin jump every obstacles:

  • when approaching an obstacle, smash left and press button 2 at the right time to do the spin jump above the obstacle vertical axe
  • when the distance between 2 obstacles and as much as possible, doing some up and down to gain the speed back
  • once 1001 reached, just crash up (or down), same as the Any% category. avoid crashing on a ramp, it will slow you down.


Goals: get at least a score of 15 001 and instant die with a flip

holding the left or right arrow while doing a flip will give more point (3000 back flip & 6000 front flip)


  • there is 2 big jumps where the front flip is possible, both will give 12 000 points
  • do quick jump + up arrow for easy 500 points as much as possible to get the 3000 needed
  • for the last missing points, just a regular jump then a front flip to crash on the head

Flying Disk

Goals: get at least a score of 778 with the 3 attempts (or less if possible)

You can get the max point by left diving or over head catch (hold up arrow).

The best strategy and also the hardest would be to have the max speed with an minimum angle. while the disk is flying, running left and jump at the right moment to catch the disk. doing this 2 times will be enough to have over 778 points and throw the disk on the ground for the third try.

This event is the hardest of all: there is 2 very precise parameters (speed & angle) and it's difficult to know the exact position of the catcher.

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