Is it possible to remove cat woman episodes/DLCs for return to Arkham?
2 years ago
New York, USA

Is it possible to do this on PlayStation specifically?


Unfortunately, there is no known way to do so for the PS4 version of the game. The only console versions where you can remove the DLC are the PS3/X360 ones where you could simply uninstall the DLC. On any other console, you can't.

United Kingdom

Hi sorry for the late comment are you able to uninstall Batman Arkham city catwomen dlc if you use PlayStation now


This is getting really off the actual topic of this thread, but to answer your question, check the rules for that category.

[quote=The Rules]Console players who cannot disable Catwoman (i.e. Return to Arkham, Wii U) can submit NG+ runs to this category.[/quote]

We allow it because for NG+ specifically the gameplay within the run is identical, and there are more remaster NG+ runs than there are original console runs.

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Autosplitter Update

Due to oversights on my part, there were two points where the autosplitter was supposed to split, but wouldn't:

  • After performing Church Skip (Bell Tower Skip was fine)
  • In Glitchless w/Cat after the processing center fight

These have both been corrected, apologies for the inconvenience. Plea

1 year ago
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