Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, I'm bad at keeping up with SRC forums and just noticed it today because of the new thread notification I got. When I saw this earlier today I didn't have much time for a reply but now I've come back and see some extended accusations edited in, so I feel even more obligated to do them.

The WR is not spliced, but yes, I did take a small break during it. Honestly I didn't even remember I did but if it was brought up earlier I wouldn't have any problems with retiming. I've had incontinence problems for years now even when taking precautions, I have some stories of having to rush to the toilet during races (you can ask the A Link Between Worlds community, since I had to during a tournament) and that was also a case of that. I'm not embarrassed to say it, most of the time I try to do it during cutscenes but it's not easy when most cutscenes are an hour+ apart. In my 5:01:56 I even had to do it twice, as noted in the description: https://www.speedrun.com/twewy/run/7yljdx3m . Sub 5 was a good achievement so I probably didn't even think about including that in the description lmao. Point is, if you want me to add the pee break time, it's not a problem, although I'd rather not it's still sub 5 and I'm still proud of the run.

The brand walls are not spliced at all but it's harder to prove directly, I guess. The NP wall is simple, I tried to get a second frog in the chain (lower left) and failed miserably thanks to the small and wonky hitbox, so I tried to roll with it since it wouldn't be the first time it worked in one fight. The D+B wall was deliberately done in one fight because I always noticed it was easier to get and I was taking the risk in earlier attempts to cut some time, which is not too crazy since the D+B fights are significantly easier to manage and shorter than the NP fights, so if talking to the Reaper didn't work I could just go for another frog fight. I play on a day 1 3DS with a capture card modded in and not on emulator, even if I wanted to play on emu to give me an advantage this game is terrible there (and I've played it before with keyboard and mouse, many years ago), so that would suck to do.

I'm happy to provide any proof you want but honestly this is mostly your word against mine. As I said I'm ok retiming for the break but if that doesn't convince you that the run is legit then I'm sorry.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman4 years ago

You're free to record segments and do that, obviously, but it won't be part of the leaderboard

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago


I only check SRC twice a day so if you need a quick reply send me a DM on Discord or a whisper on Twitch,

The tutorial fights thing basically says that during a normal combo with Shiki, pressing any direction but the one she's currently using to attack will cancel the combo. It's faster to start and cancel combos for damage than finishing them if she doesn't have the light puck.

I don't understand the first question ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

AFAIK there haven't been any conclusive faster new strats that Gippy has posted, so I haven't really tried to add them to my notes or try to do a run with them. Either way, 6 hours with current strats is a pretty realistic milestone, it's not hard at all to achieve, gl learning and gl with RPGLB submissions!

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

It took a while because of misc life stuff and other projects, but leaderboards have been overhauled, with tabs separating versions instead.

Things to know about:

  • All categories for Final Remix should now allow to submit with 1 or 2 players. I've added a small rule that player 1 in the submission should be the one controlling Neku, should to make it easier to know who is who right away.

  • Since current NG+ rules were not suited for Final Remix, as some people pointed out, no extra categories other than Any% Normal are in its leaderboards. If anyone is willing to route/run a new version of it, it can be added.

  • Similarly, since All Secret Reports has only been run and will only be run for now in NDS, it's only a leaderboard in there for now.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

I don't want to turn this into a category drama, but let me say a few words on the categories you say should be removed:

  • NG+ is not "my pet category", I actually routed it per request of a guy called St4rwave, who wanted to run this game but couldn't really afford to do 5 hour runs. He contacted me directly during ESA 2017 for that, and during a big portion of that night I exchanged DMs with Eekcast trying to make a set of rules that made sense. After returning home (+ about a week to get back my TWEWY cart from my lost luggage) I started testing, compiling stuff, making a route and running it. Unfortunately those rules don't really fit Final Remix in particular, it's a much different game and it wasn't even a thing back then. St4rwave didn't end up fully learning it, so my runs and NegativePro's Solo Remix runs are the only ones there for now.

  • All Secret Reports is closer to a pet category because I'm the only one crazy enough for now to run it. Doesn't mean it's not a category that should exist, 100% completion is not feasible as a run in any version (although slightly better in Final Remix) so it's a more reasonable category based on unlocking everything the game offers. It's a very good challenge run in NDS, it may be more scuffed in other versions, but I wouldn't be against routing and running it for Final Remix in the future.

I like the idea of changing the tabs from categories to versions, it suits the differences between versions more. Changing everything to that may take a while (including re-categorizing runs), so when I find the time I'll try to do it, including merging the co-op and solo leaderboards. Sorry for not doing that earlier, I've been busy with other projects and IRL stuff so the only TWEWY-related thing I've done is getting closer to 100% mastered pins.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Was that 4:05 segmented (or rather, not in one sitting)? It's a pretty decent time and would be close to sub 5 RTA, so this route may be pretty fast. I may give it a try and go for a lower WR, although I feel like the only fights that can be more optimized to save a non-trivial amount of time are the final gauntlet in W3D7.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

The item ban list was compiled from my own testing of items that were available to buy before and after the credits, it may have been changed in Final Remix or it may have been a mistake on my part, I honestly don't know.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

NG+ surely is less interesting in this version, the time difference will not be as drastic with text speed and how generally easier everything is. It'll not be that interesting in general since it'll just be killing everything in seconds with Lightning Rook, so I personally have no interest in it.

As for its rules, the main reason the stat cap was used is because previous version only have one savefile, meaning that if someone wanted to grind to max stats and get every good equipment for NG+ runs and then they wanted to switch to another category, they would have to spend a really long time to get the stats again. Stat grinding is not nearly as bad in Final Remix and you can have multiple savefiles with Switch accounts, so that part of the rules is not suited for it. It's not like they could've predicted this, because when the rules were made (during ESA 2017) Final Remix wasn't even announced.

I personally don't want to modify the global rules to cater to one version in particular, they are already murky enough to allow some stuff (pins at any/max level, Anguis, etc.)

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

The main reason for separating Co-op is that it's only available for one version and that makes adding it as a general thing weird with the version variables. But I guess it wouldn't be a problem rules-wise if everyone has no problem with merging them.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

The main thing with disallowing a midnight reset is that it wouldn't matter that much for Any%, as your objective is just not doing many fights. There's just no real use to having a new set of 24 bytes unless you go past the credits and do All Secret Reports, which is why I actually use it in my NDS route for that.

I'm ok with allowing SDPP in Final Remix in particular since there are no hardware differences this time. It MAY be useful but it's unlikely.

I'm 100% ok with changing rules to "Normal or higher", although we may have to change the category names to include that.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Mostly because of consistency, an argument could easily be made to allow Hard to be set since it makes fights technically slower, but if in turn you go back to Normal for the rest of the run then you're not really getting that penalty.

I wouldn't have a problem allowing it if everybody was ok with it really, as long as Easy is banned, but idk if it'd be too significant of a rule change.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Added a co-op category per request, putting it in misc for now because I'm trying to make versions not show up there.

Other than forcing 2 players rules should be the same, 1p2c can stay as Any%.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

set difficulty to hard

Yeah that's not gonna work for standard Any% (in Normal), that Tektite is not a required drop. I don't see that farming session being worth it either way, you're gonna lose more time doing it than you could save, even with perfect luck on the drops

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

I feel like Joshua's lvl3 is probably gonna be essential to get considering how generally slower Taboo fights in this version are, and Leo Cantus is an already slow fight by itself. Skipping it without a very solid pin deck by W2D7 is gonna be hard to route in. Beat attack stickers are not that much of a detour really, so I don't see any problem getting them with the spare Scarletite.

As a side note, I enabled comments on the food route, so make sure to put any ideas in there :P

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Week 1 tutorials don't, and they don't really matter either way, but week 2 and 3 tutorial fights (as in, introductory fights to the partners) have results screens and so Neku can digest stuff during them. Fusion tutorials don't do that, however, and it's why I removed them.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Mapped every single fight in the run (ideally) to route food correctly: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hiP6v_aCoiHQlUxDvFGWjAHpMhuONBOQ7v5a6Fsopqo/edit?usp=sharing

Assumes that Rare Metal farming only takes 1 chain, average luck for brand-required walls (2 fights to max) and no Reaper fights

From the 2 available runs, since I don't really have time to test it myself, at Pi-Face's Cap Neku had 80-81 BRV. This means that you could skip either the Tonkotsu Ramen or 3 Soft Serves for Neku and still probably be ok.

I don't know how random BRV from fights work but it's probably not too reliable. So ideally the food route for Neku should either be

Tonkotsu + 6 Soft Serves + BRAVE+ (750 + 1260 + 20000 = 22010 yen) or Miso Ramen + 9 Soft Serves + BRAVE+ (680 + 1890 + 20000 = 22570 yen)

Both could have a chance of not meeting the 75 BRV requirement for Pi-Face's Cap, but the second would be faster if that is met. The safe alternative would just be first option + 1 Soft Serve, which would always put Neku over 75

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

IMO Thunder Rook may be good enough to justify trying to get it, but to have an efficient enough deck with it you'd need 2 and that may take more time than it's worth. However, it is an easy mode drop that is not required by the story, so by the traditional rules you'd have to get it in Normal. Neoclassical Drake's N drop is 10k yen at 10%, so the odds of getting the E one instead are...pretty low.

Tin Pin Thrift is probably not worth it just by the fact that you would need to beat Tenho in Tin Pin. SDing is just way faster in every single aspect.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

The main problem with trying to route giving Definitivo Chili Dogs to Beat is that there's just not enough fights in his week. Ideally, by day 5 you will only complete 13 fights after digesting BRAVE+, so in order to fully get the benefits of feeding him that + a hot dog you'd have to go out of your way to do fights or get very unlucky with Reaper encounters. This would lose more time than is worth routing in.

In the Any% route burgers and the Shoyu Ramen were just used as buffer food for sync since stats for partners weren't that huge of a difference, but they're gonna be pretty important this time around. Consider changing all of them to Miso Ramen and Hot Dogs respectively, Naraka + most sync foods can also be skipped to save money.

I like Gippy's idea to get a Choice Meat early but going so out of the way for a Chili Dog seems excessive. Buying normal Hot Dogs in W1D5 and then buying the Chili Dogs in W2D3/4 is probably a better choice. W2D2 could also be used but the Reaper blocking access to Spain Hill NEEDS a Chili Dog, I don't think the early detour just to open it and get another one is worth it.

About the run going past midnight, not only is it an arbitrary thing to ban, but I also use it as a strat for NDS All Secret Reports lol. Coincidentally also to eat a Chili Dog. So yeah I'd wholeheartedly allow it, even though I don't feel like it would make a difference.

Ninja edit: it's worth noting that I've been playing more in handheld since it was more convenient for me, so hold inputs were not as terrible to me. They may be absolutely dreadful in docked, but if I still suggest Burst Rounds it's because they are still pretty good damage-wise, just not nearly as good as they used to be.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Idk if I'd count 1p2c as a solo run or as actual coop, that was my main gripe if they are separated categories, but I agree with them being separated. For now I'll just verify it as Any%.

For a mostly improvised run, it does show most of the strats for bosses that I feel are optimal, although some pin choices could be definitely better. I'm still debating if the day change trick should be allowed for this version but it would mostly only be useful to get an actual useful Burst Rounds pin.

Alternatively there's the All Secret Reports strat: Melodi Corehogs in week 3 drop One Stroke Vast Wealth in Normal at 0.9%, and you have to beat a few of them during W3D4, so reduce level to 1 use fusion and try to get those. 6 uses makes them way more reliable and they are good for cross combos.

Food is gonna be tricky, but they absolutely buffed ATK capsules and they take 6 bytes, they could easily be exploited. BUT they cost 20k a pop. I haven't tested if Pi-Face's Cap has the same BRV requirement but if not we can probably skip buying BRAVE+ there. Outside of that, House Blend is still fantastic to get sync, but it's not like that's gonna be as important this time around.

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